This research project aims to identify, measure and monitor the impacts of tourism experiences on the image of the Algarve as a tourism destination. Firstly, it will identify scales and items related to tourism experience and destination image, which, after validation, will inform the development of the empirical research model. Secondly, mixed methods will allow the triangulation of results from empirical studies (questionnaire within tourists’, tourists’ storytelling and UGC in tourism blogs), deepening the understanding of the constructs. Thirdly, to build an online platform that allows the private and public stakeholders to access information supporting their decision-making process. Fourthly, to communicate and share the results by providing a bridge for knowledge transfer among the academic community and stakeholders. Besides its practical relevance, the project is theoretically innovative as it contributes to the knowledge in validating and modelling constructs and scales.
Partner institutions: n/a
CinTurs researcher(s): Manuela Guerreiro (Principal Investigator), Patrícia Pinto, Nelson Matos, Bernardete Sequeira, Luís Nobre Pereira, Célia Ramos and Magda Wikesjö (FE UAlg).
Budget UAlg: 206.016,31€
Funding institution(s): ERDF by CRESC Algarve 2020
Period: 2019 – 2023
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