PROteuS - Promoting security and safety by creating a MED cluster on Maritime Surveillance coasts and islands

PROteuS project aims at exploiting the growth potential of the emerging Maritime Surveillance industry that can play a crucial role in the socio-economic development of MED area and in the generation of new job opportunities. This objective will be addressed through the establishment of a MED MS Cluster, fostering innovation and R&D capacities, knowledge and technology transfer, as well as transnational cooperation among the involved key MS actors, focusing on maritime security and safety mechanisms in MED area.

The Cluster will offer customized services in order to identify and exploit technologies related to MS and will achieve transferability through the creation of concrete linkages with other Blue Growth sectors that face common challenges and growth opportunities.

The Mediterranean Sea constitutes a crossroad of continents and the main link among EU countries, Asia and Middle East, baring a huge load of maritime activities that need to be monitored in an efficient way. Maritime Surveillance (MS) aims at providing to the involved key actors the necessary methods and systems to achieve effective data exchange concerning various maritime risks and sectors (Port control, piracy, pollution and trafficking monitoring, border control, defense, fisheries controls). An important issue within MS is the existence of communication and regulatory gaps that can lead to serious loss of time in case of emergency.

Partner institutions: Chambre de Commerce, De L'industrie, De L'artisanat et de L'agriculture de Venise Rovigo (Lead Partner), France; University of the Aegean, Greece; Maritime Institute of Eastern Mediterranean, Cyprus; Fundación Instituto Portuario de Estudios y Cooperación de la Comunitat Valenciana, Spain; Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de Sevilla, Spain; Pôle Méditerranée – Toulon Var Technologies, France; Piraeus Port Authority, Greece; University of Algarve, Portugal; Liguria Ricerche Spa, Italy.

CinTurs researcher(s): João Guerreiro (UAlg Coordinator)

Budget UAlg: 258,218€

Funding institution(s): ERDF by Interreg MED Programme

Period: 2016 - 2020

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