2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
*The authors marked in bold are currently integrated researchers in CinTurs
Agapito, D., & Sigala, M. (2024). Experience management in hospitality and tourism: reflections and implications for future research. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36(13), 57-76. (Q1)
Bagheri, F., Guerreiro, M., Pinto, P., & Ghaderi, Z. (2024). From Tourist Experience to Satisfaction and Loyalty: Exploring the Role of a Sense of Well-Being. Journal of Travel Research, 63(8), 1989-2004. (Q1)
Bagheri, F., Guerreiro, M., Pinto, P., & Ghaderi, Z. (2024). The Contribution of Tourism Experiences to Eudaimonic Well-being: Insight from Generation Z. Tourism Recreation Research. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Barbosa, P. M., Szrek, H., Ferreira, L. N., Cruz, V. T., & Firmino-Machado, J. (2024). Stroke rehabilitation pathways during the first year: A cost-effectiveness analysis from a cohort of 460 individuals. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 67(4), Article 101824. (Q1)
Bender, A., Guerreiro, M., Agapito, D., Sequeira, B. D., & Mendes, J. (2024). Sensory experiences in heritage contexts: A qualitative approach. European Journal of Tourism Research, 36, Article 3604. (Q2)
Bender, A., Lança, M., Guerreiro, M., & Pinto, P. (2024). Módulos Experienciais, Memória e Intenções Comportamentais: A perspectiva dos turistas no Algarve, Portugal. Revista Turismo em Análise, 33(3), 73–93.
Buitrago-Esquinas, E. M., Puig-Cabrera, M., Santos, J. A. C., Santos, M. C., & Yñiguez-Ovando, R. (2024). Developing a hetero-intelligence methodological framework for sustainable policy-making based on the assessment of large language models. MethodsX, 12, Article 102707. (Q1)
Calapez, A., Ribeiro, T., Almeida, V., & Pedragosa, V. (2024). Esports fan identity toward sponsor–sponsee relationship: an understanding of the role-based identity. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 25(1), 42-66. (Q2)
Calderón-Fajardo, V., Puig-Cabrera, M., & Rodríguez-Rodríguez, I. (2024). Beyond the real world: Metaverse adoption patterns in tourism among Gen Z and Millennials. Current Issues in Tourism. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Câmara Viana, L. F., Hoffmann, V. E., & Pinto, H. (2024). Can innovation predict regional resilience? An econometric exploration of Brazilian municipalities during the Covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Innovation, 12(1), Article e24738. (Q4)
Carvalhinho, L., Pereira, E., Durão, R., & Rosa, P. (2024). Assessment of recreational and tourist cycling routes. Case study in the West Region of Portugal. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 45, Article 100729. (Q2)
Castillo-Vizuete, D., Gavilanes-Montoya, A., Woosnam, K. M., Ribeiro, M. A., Chavez-Celasquez, C., Sarmiento, F. O., & Hollas, C. R. (2024). Intention to engage in ecotourism development: Validation and extension of the Resident Empowerment through Tourism Scale (Version 2.1). Current Issues in Tourism. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Cloarec, D., Ribeiro, M. A., & Font, X. (2024). Determinants of readiness for strategic value co-creation in hospitality and tourism organisations. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 116, Article 103627. (Q1)
Contessi, D., Viverit, L., Pereira, L. N., & Heo, C. Y. (2024). Decoding the Future: Proposing an interpretable machine learning model for hotel occupancy forecasting using principal component analysis. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 121, Article 103802. (Q1)
Costa, G., Pereira, E., Martins, R., & Mascarenhas, M. (2024). The Importance of Perceived Quality for Golf Course Member Satisfaction and Loyalty in Tourism Deprivation Times. Journal of Global Sport Management. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q2)
Doan Do, T. T. M., Pereira, L. N., & Silva, J. A. (2024). The role of superhost badge in Airbnb hosts’ continuance intention. Anatolia, 35(2), 282-297. (Q1)
Do, T.T., Silva, J.A., Chiappa, G.D., & Pereira, L. N. (2024). The role of sense of power and psychological risk in Airbnb customers’ electronic word-of-mouth adoption. Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing, 10(2). Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q2)
Duarte, A. P., Contreiras, J. P., & Seabra, F. M. (2024). Work-family conflict’s mediating effect on the relationship between job insecurity and job satisfaction in the hospitality industry: Evidence from the Algarve, Portugal. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 23(2), 337-357. (Q2)
Elhoushy, S., & Ribeiro, M. A. (2024). Socially responsible consumers and stockpiling during crises: the intersection of personal norms and fear. Social Responsibility Journal, 20(1), 180-203. (Q1)
Franz, H. C., & Cruz, A. R. (2024). Development of a maturity assessment model for sustainable tourism. Current Issues in Tourism. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Garcês, S. (2024). Positive Humanities and Tourism: A Conceptual Contribution. E-Revista de Estudos Interculturais, 2024(12). (Q4)
George, O. A., & Ramos, C. M. Q. (2024). Sentiment analysis applied to tourism: exploring tourist-generated content in the case of a wellness tourism destination. International Journal of Spa and Wellness. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q3)
Ghaderi, Z., Shakori, H., Bagheri, F., Hall, C. M., Rather, R. A., & Zahra, M. (2024). Green supply chain management, environmental costs and supply chain performance in the hotel industry: The mediating role of supply chain agility and resilience. Current Issues in Tourism, 27(13), 2101-2117. (Q1)
Ghaderi, Z., Tavakoli, R., Yarahmadi, F., Bagheri, F., & Almuhrzi, H. M. (2024). Islamic views on local tourism engagement in conservative societies: an insight from Oman. Current Issues in Tourism. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Gonçalves, B., Coelho, L. S., & Pinto, P. (2024). Earnings management in the hospitality industry: A systematic literature review. Tourism and Management Studies, 20(1), 65-77. (Q3)
Henriques, H., & Pereira, L. N. (2024). Hotel demand forecasting models and methods using artificial intelligence: A systematic literature review. Tourism & Management Studies, 20(3), 39-51. (Q3)
Heo, C. Y., Viverit, L., & Pereira, L. N. (2024). Does historical data still matter for demand forecasting in uncertain and turbulent times? An extension of the additive pickup time series method for SME hotels. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 23, 39-43. (Q2)
Korir, D., Ormerod, N., & Fletcher, T. (2024). Building the city of champions: an examination of the motivations and impacts of athlete entrepreneurship in Kenya. Managing Sport and Leisure. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q2)
Lacárcel, F. J., González-Padilla, P., Matos, N., & Correia, M. B. (2024). Bibliometric measurement of the resource curse and its implication for sustainable development. Resources Policy, 89, Article 104560. (Q1)
Lança, M., Pereira, L. N., Renda, A. I., Pinto, P., Marques, J. F., Ramos, C., Guerreiro, M., & Lai, H. K. (2024). Building bridges between residents and tourism: Attitudinal support, emotional solidarity, and intentions for pro-tourism behaviours. Tourism & Management Studies, 20(4), 63-71. (Q3)
Lança, M., Silva, J. A., Andraz, J., Nunes, R., & Pereira, L. N. (2024). The Moderating Role of Tourism Intensity on Residents’ Intentions towards Pro-Tourism Behaviours. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
López-Carril, S., González-Serrano, M. H., Ribeiro, T., & Jimenez-Jimenez, P. (2024). TikTok for learning through movement, dramatization, and music: Insights for higher education applications in sport sciences. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 35. (Q1)
Lukoseviciute, G., Henriques, C. N., Pereira, L. N., & Panagopoulos, T. (2024). Participatory development and management of eco-cultural trails in sustainable tourism destinations. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 47, Article 100779. (Q2)
Marques, J. F., & Rodrigues, T. (2024). ‘Enjoyers’, ‘Seekers’ and ‘Vacationers’. Proposal for a Typology of Motorhome Travellers in Europe. Tourist Studies, 24(2), 172-194. (Q1)
Martínez, M. M. M., Buitrago, E. M. E., Yñiguez, R., & Puig-Cabrera, M. (2024). Circular economy and agriculture: Mapping circular practices, drivers, and barriers for traditional table-olive groves. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 46, 430-441. (Q1)
Martins, J. C. F., & Campos, R. M. D. O. (2024). The body as theme and tool of artivism in young people. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 27(2), 232-252. (Q1)
Martins, R., Mascarenhas, M., & Pereira, E. (2024). Exploring strategic multi-leveraging of sport tourism events: An action-research study. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 32, Article 100902. (Q1)
Martins, R., Pereira, E., & Mascarenhas, M. (2024). Strategic environmental leverage of a sport tourism event: Approaching the global challenge locally. European Journal of Tourism Research, 37, Article 3712. (Q2)
Mascarenhas, M., Alves, J., Pereira, E., & Martins, R. (2024). Cocreation of the Tourism Experience at International Sport Tourism Events. Event Management, 28(2), 229-244. (Q3)
Moreira dos Santos, E. R., Pereira, L. N., Pinto, P., & Bynum, B. B. (2024). Development and validation of the new resident empowerment through Tourism Scale: RETS 2.0. Tourism Management, 104, Article 104915. (Q1)
Muhs, C. S., Agapito, D., & Pereira, L. N. (2024). Understanding Vanlife: the current state of the art of a vehicle-based hypermobile travel phenomenon. Current Issues in Tourism. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Neupane, S., Pinto, H., & Pintassilgo, P. (2024). Mountain Tourism Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Waste Management: The Case of Everest in Nepal. Tourism Planning and Development. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Nogueira, C., Marques J. F., & Pinto, H. (2024). Intentional Sustainable Communities and Sustainable Development Goals - From Micro-Scale Implementation to Scalability of Innovative Practices. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 67(1), 175-196. (Q1)
Ormerod, N., Isaac, S., Wood, E. H., Calver, J., Musgrave, J., Bowdin, A. J., & Sterchele, D. (2024). The development and trial of beyond 2050 Polylogues as a tool for future-thinking in business tourism. Current Issues in Tourism. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Piedade, D., Guerreiro, M., & Pinto, P. (2024). Customer destination-based experience and loyalty: exploring the role of tourists’ emotions. Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q2)
Pinto, H. (2024). Universities and institutionalization of regional innovation policy in peripheral regions: Insights from the smart specialization in Portugal. Regional Science Policy and Practice, 16(1), Article 12659. (Q2)
Ramos, J., Drakeford, B., Madiedo, A., Costa, J., & Leitão, F. (2024). A Bayesian Approach to Infer the Sustainable Use of Artificial Reefs in Fisheries and Recreation. Sustainability, 16(2), Article 810. (Q1)
Roque, M. I., Campos, A. C., Almeida, S., & Pasandide, S. (2024). Transforming museum management through ICT adoption: an analysis of the Portuguese context during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Heritage Tourism. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q2)
Roxo, M. R. P., & Gonçalves, A. R. (2024). Promontório de Sagres – Marca do Património Europeu. O património associado à escravatura em Lagos. Dos Algarves: Tourism, Hospitality and Management Journal, 44, 46-62.
Ruppelt, H., Almeida, S., & Campos, A. C. (2024). How about meeting Fernando Pessoa? A journey into hotel brand anthropomorphism and personality. Journal of Vacation Marketing. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Sadighha, J., Pinto, P., Guerreiro, M., & Campos, A. C. (2024). Stimulating customer participation behaviour and boosting value co-creation in hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 119, Article 103733. (Q1)
Saha, P., Ribeiro, M. A., & Roy, B. (2024). Navigating travel decisions in health crises: The interplay of message framing, regulatory focus, and perceived risk. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 59, 296-308. (Q1)
Santos, E., Pereira, L. N., Pinto, P., & Boley, B. (2024). Development and validation of the new resident empowerment through Tourism Scale: RETS 2.0. Tourism Management, 104, Article 104915. (Q1)
Santos, E., Pereira, L. N., Pinto, P., Boley, B., & Ribeiro, M. A. (2024). Imperialism, empowerment, and support for sustainable tourism: Can residents become empowered through an imperialistic tourism development model?. Tourism Management Perspectives, 53, Article 101270. (Q1)
Scott, N., & Campos, A. C. (2024). A critique of authenticity: How psychology can help. Tourism Critiques, 5(1), 44-64.
Silva, A. M., Contreiras, J. P., & Duarte, A. P. (2024). Empowering employers to address domestic violence and its impact on the workplace. Tourism and Management Studies, 20(3), 15-26. (Q3)
Valente, B., Pinto, H., Pereira, T. S., & Campos, R. (2024). Exploring Biosensors’ Scientific Production and Research Patterns: A Bibliometric Analysis. Sensors, 24(10), Article 3082. (Q1)
Vieira, T. A., & Panagopoulos, T. (2024). Urban agriculture in Brazil: Possibilities and challenges for Santarém, eastern Amazonia. Land Use Policy, 139, Article 107082. (Q1)
Wood, E., Musgrave, J., Calver, J., Ormerod, N., Isaac, S., Bowdin, G.A.J. & Sterchele, D. (2024). Navigating emotions in future thinking: a polylogue approach. Event Management. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q3)
Woosnam, K. M., Joo, D., Ribeiro, M. A., Cassandra, J. G., Sanchez, J. J., & Brooks, R. (2024). Rural residents’ social distance with tourists: An affective interpretation. Current Issues in Tourism, 27(6), 939-953. (Q1)
Xerardo, P., & Bernardo, E. (2024). Dominant Tourism Educational and Research Reasoning: a critique to Portugal's case. Tourism, Culture and Communication. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q4)
Agapito, D., & Guerreiro, M. (2023). Designing accessible tourism experiences: Slow, Sensory and Smart Framework. Enlightening Tourism. A Pathmaking Journal, 13(1), 167-198. (Q3)
Agapito, D., Alam, A., Bartolomeu, G., Patyrin, S., Sikder, T. & Pereira, W. (2023). Life Eco Compatível. Casos de Marketing Público Y No Lucrativo, 10(4), 46–56.
Agapito, D., Bender, A., Maricato, F., Zhuk, A., Kaysyn, C., & Justo, B. (2023). O caso da Delegação de Faro-Loulé da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa. Casos de Marketing Público Y No Lucrativo, 10(2), 65–76.
Agapito, D., Kronenburg, R., & Pinto, P. (2023). A review on destination social responsibility: Towards a research agenda. Current Issues in Tourism, 26(4), 554-572. (Q1)
Agapito, D., Ministro, J., Guillot, F., Nery Barboza, M. R., Mariani, M., & Martins, R. (2023). Algarve Craft & Food: A Creative and Responsible Tourism Initiative. Casos De Marketing Público Y No Lucrativo, 10(1), 47–59.
Agapito, D., Pereira, L. N., Guerreiro, M., & Ayala, C. (2023). Paccari: Uma Abordagem de Gestão de Marketing Responsável. Casos de Marketing Público Y No Lucrativo, 10(4), 30–45.
Agapito, D., Ramos, C., & Bhatia, A. (2023). Empowering responsible tourists through a smart and crowd-sourced platform – the case of Tripdoodler. Casos de Marketing Público Y No Lucrativo, 10(3), 11–20.
Agrela, S., Garcês, S., & Pocinho, M. (2023). Creativity and resilience in Higher Education: A study in the autonomous region of Madeira. Talincrea – Revista Talento, Inteligencia y Creatividad, 9(18), 3-18.
Akdemir, H., São José, J., & Gonçalves, A. (2023). Empirical Research on Creative Tourism: A Systematic Review. Journal of Tourism & Development, 41, 531-550. (Q4)
Akdemir, H., São José, J., & Gonçalves, A. (2023). Social Inclusion of older artisans through creative tourism. Anatolia. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Bagheri, F., Ghaderi, Z., Abdi, N., & Hall, M. C. (2023). Female entrepreneurship, Creating Shared Value, and Empowerment in Tourism; The Neutralizing Effect of Gender-Based Discriminations. Current Issues in Tourism, 6(21), 3465-3482. (Q1)
Baptista, N., De Matos, N., & Pereira, J. (2023). Attitudes Towards Materialism and Consumer Happiness. European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies, 8(3), 92-110.
Barbera, G., Araujo, L., & Fernandes, S. (2023). The Value of Web Data Scraping: An Application to TripAdvisor. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 7(3), 121. (Q1)
Barreira, A. P. C., Andraz, J., Ferreira, V., & Panagopoulos, T. (2023). Perceptions and preferences of urban residents for green infrastructure to help cities adapt to climate change threats. Cities, 141, Article 104478. (Q1)
Barreira, A. P., Andraz, J., Ferreira, V., & Panagopoulos, T. (2023). Relevance of ecosystem services and disservices from green infrastructure perceived by the inhabitants of two Portuguese cities dealing with climate change: implications for environmental and intersectional justice. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Batista, D., Guerreiro, M., Sequeira, B., Cesário, M., & Agapito, D. (2023). The cultural landscape of Campina de Faro: Solutions based on water heritage and cultural tourism. Revista PH, 109, 88-111.
Bernardo, E., & Kastenholz, E. (2023). Souvenirs in Tourism Studies: A Thematic Analytical Framework. Tourism Culture & Communication, 23(4), 333-346. (Q4)
Bernardo, E., Sousa, N., & Kastenholz, E. (2023). Souvenirs in Tourism Studies: A Bibliometric Retrospective and Future Research Agenda. Tourism and Hospitality Management, 29(2), 249-264. (Q3)
Calver, J., Dashper, K., Finkel, R., Fletcher, T., Lamond, I.R., May, E., Ormerod, N., Platt, L., & Sharp, B. (2023). The (in)visibility of equality, diversity, and inclusion research in event management journals. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q2)
Câmara, E., Pocinho, M., Agapito, D., & Jesus, S. N. (2023). Meaningful experiences in tourism: A systematic review of psychological constructs. European Journal of Tourism Research, 34, Article 3403. (Q2)
Campos, A. C., Guerreiro, M. M., & Beevor, M. (2023). Storytelling in Heritage Tourism: An Exploration of Co-creative Experiences from a Tourist Perspective. Museum Management and Curatorship. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q2)
Campos, R., & Martins, J. C. (2023). Political socialisation narratives of young activists. Contexts, settings, and actors. Journal of Youth Studies. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Castro, D., & Fernandes, S. (2023). Sustainable Hospitality in the Algarve Region: An Analysis of the Degree of Commitment. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 19, Article e847.
Coelho, B., Levytska, K., Torkington, K., & Ramos, C. M. (2023). Tourism 4.0 in Portuguese tourism businesses. International Journal of Tourism Policy, 13(6), 505-524. (Q3)
Coelho, P., São José, J., & Martins, J. E. (2023). Um Olhar Sociológico sobre a "Prova" da Crise e da Austeridade junto dos Mais Velhos. Sociologia - Problemas e Práticas, 101, 117-133. (Q3)
Cruz, A. R. (2023). “Samba de uma nota Só”? Turismo cultural num destino de sol e praia. Todas as Artes: Revista Luso-Brasileira de Artes e Cultura, 6(3), 14-30.
Cruz, A. R., & Gato, M. A. (2023). “Living like a local”: Turistificação do espaço urbano em Portugal, alojamento local e resposta das políticas públicas. Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos, 13(Special Issue), 1-11.
Do, T. C., & Pereira, L. N. (2023). Understanding Vietnamese consumers’ perception and word-of-mouth intentions towards Airbnb. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 14(2), 83-101. (Q1)
Erul, E., Woosnam, K. M., Ribeiro, M. A., & Salazar, J. (2023). Complementing theories to explain emotional solidarity. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 31(2), 229-244. (Q1)
Erul, E., Woosnam, K. M., Salazar, J., Uslu, A., Santos, J. A. C., & Sthapit, E. (2023). Future Travel Intentions in Light of Risk and Uncertainty: An Extended Theory of Planned Behavior. Sustainability, 15(22), Article 15729. (Q1)
Fernandez, H. M., Granja-Martins, F. M., Dziuba, O., Pereira, D. A. B., & Isidoro, J. M. G. P. (2023). Comparison of Rationing and RCNA Methods in the Detection of Flooded Areas Using Sentinel 2 Imagery (Case Study: Tulun, Russia). Sustainability, 15(13), Article 10233. (Q1)
Ferrão, J., Pinto, H., Caldas, J. M. C., & Carmo, R. (2023). Territorial Vulnerabilities, Pandemic and Employment: An Exploratory Analysis of Municipal Socioeconomic Profiles and Impacts of COVID-19 in Portugal. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 63, 161-182. (Q3)
Ferreira Lopes, P., Moya Muñoz, J., & Pires Rosa, M. (2023). An in-depth look at the application of GIS for industrial heritage documentation. Conservar Património, 44, 67-81. (Q1)
Ferreira, L. N., Pereira, L. N., & Ferreira, P. L. (2023). Health and well-being of the Portuguese citizens: impacts of the COVID-19. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 7, Article 88. (Q3)
Ferreira, L. N., Pereira, L. N., Antunes, P., & Ferreira, P. L. (2023). EQ-5D-5L Portuguese population norms. European Journal of Health Economics, 24, 1411–1420. (Q1)
Ferreira-Lopes, P., & Pires Rosa, M. (2023). Metodología de captura y análisis de datos del patrimonio inmueble industrial de la Eurociudad del Guadiana. Ge-Conservacion, 24(1), 56-68. (Q2)
Fordjour, R., & Cruz, A. R. (2023). Traditional cultural festivals and socio-economic boost: Evidence from the Ankos Masquerade Festival in Ghana. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 12(3), 1071–1084. (Q3)
Frączek, S., & Ferreira, L. N. (2023). Psychological, social and economic burden of Covid-19: a comparison of Polish and Portuguese young adults. Portuguese Journal of Public Health, 41, 34–44. (Q3)
Ghaderi, Z., Tavakoli, R., Bagheri, F., & Pavee, S. (2023). The role of gender equality in Iranian female tourism entrepreneurs' success. Tourism Recreation Research, 48(6), 925-939. (Q1)
Góis, B., & Banha, F. (2023). Women Entrepreneurs in Algarve: A Case Study. European Journal of Applied Business Management, 9(4), 1-20.
Henriques, C. H. (2023). Heterotopia e turismo: A Amazônia entre o paraíso e o inferno. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, 18(1), Article e20210096. (Q1)
Henriques, C., & Carvalho, F. (2023). Hospitality employers and employees’ perceptions regarding COVID 19 support measures: the case of the Algarve region (Portugal). Journal of Tourism, Sustainability and Well-Being, 11(1), 27-39.
Henriques, C., Afonso, C., Varela, L., Mira, S., & Azevedo-Rodrigues, L. (2023). Turismo Científico em Regiões de Sol e Mar: Contributos para um roteiro metodológico de investigação na região do Algarve (Portugal). Gestión Turística, 39, 9-28.
Ibrahim, M. N., Kimbu, A. N., & Ribeiro, M. A. (2023). Recontextualising the determinants of external CSR in the services industry: A cross-cultural study. Tourism Management, 95, Article 104690. (Q1)
Karanikola, P., Panagopoulos, T., Tampakis, S., Simoglou, G., & Tzelepi, A. (2023). Perceptions of urban green infrastructure in two contrasting municipalities of the metropolitan area of Athens, Greece. Nature-Based Solutions, 3, Article 100063.
Karantoni, M. E., Panagopoulos, T., Tampakis, S., Karanikola, P., & Tampakis, Z. (2023). Stakeholder views on environmental protection policies in the National Marine Park of Alonissos Northern Sporades, Greece. Sustainable Horizons, 7, Article 100065. (Q4)
Leiria, M., De Matos, N., & Rebelo, E. (2023). Customer loyalty in the insurance industry: From traditional to analytical marketing—a bibliometric analysis. Applied Marketing Analytics, 8(4), 404-422. (Q4)
López, A. N., del Vas, G. M., & Cabrera, M. P. (2023). Impacto de la pandemia en el turismo y transporte en regiones mediterráneas: El caso de Murcia, España. Revista Geográfica Venezolana, 64(1), 36-45. (Q4)
Lukoseviciute, G., Pereira, L. N., & Panagopoulos, T. (2023). Sustainable recreational trail design from the Recreational Opportunity Spectrum and trail user perception: a case study of the Seven Hanging Valleys. Journal of Ecotourism. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Lukoseviciute, G., Pereira, L. N., Panagopoulos, T., Fedeli, G., Ramsey, E., Madden, K., & Condell, J. (2023). Recreational trail development within different geographical contexts as a determinant of income multiplier and local economic impact. Tourism Management Perspectives, 46, Article 101090. (Q1)
Maciel, P. M., Firmino-Machado, J., Ferreira, L. N., Cruz, V. T., & Szrek, H. (2023). From healthcare system to individuals through stroke rehabilitation pathways. Outcomes, information, and satisfaction along 12 months prospective cohort in Portugal. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 18, 1-11. (Q1)
Madden, K., Lukoseviciute, G., Ramsey, E., Panagopoulos, T., & Condell, J. (2023). Forecasting daily foot traffic in recreational trails using Machine Learning. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 44, Article 100701. (Q2)
Magdalena, M., Buitrago-Esquinas, E., Yñiguez, R., & Puig-Cabrera, M. (2023). A global and comparative assessment of the level of economic circularity in the EU. Journal of Cleaner Production, 425, Article 138759. (Q1)
Makian, S., Bagheri, F., & Qezelbash, A. H. (2023). Key Factors of Nature-Based Tourism Future Development in Less-Developed Nature Destinations - Case study: Ardabil province of Iran. Geographica Pannonica, 27(3), 211-227. (Q3)
Marques, J. F. (2023). Liminality and authenticity: a journey into the ritual and existential dimensions of tourism. Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos, 13(Special Issue).
Martínez-Navalón, J. G., Gelashvili, V., De Matos, N., & Herrera-Enríquez, G. (2023). Exploring the impact of digital knowledge management on technostress and sustainability. Journal of Knowledge Management, 27(8), 2194-2216. (Q1)
Martins, P., de Jesus, S. N., Pocinho, M., & Pinto, P. (2023). Wellness Tourism: A Bibliometric Analysis Approach. Journal of Tourism, Sustainability and Well-Being, 11(4), 203-217.
Maruyama, N. U., Ribeiro, M. A., & Woosnam, K. M. (2023). The effect of minority residents’ attitudes and emotional solidarity on ethnic neighbourhood tourism: a multigroup invariance analysis. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 31(2), 383-405. (Q1)
Mascarenhas, M., Vieira, H., & Martins, R. (2023). Factors Shaping Spectators’ Consumption Patterns: Controversial Arisings from an International Sport Tourism Event. Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q2)
Matos, N. M. D. S., Duarte, P. A. D. O., & Sá, E. S. D. (2023). Once-in-a-lifetime leisure experiences (OLLE): The role of Flow, novelty, and interpersonal interaction on tourists’ satisfaction and memories. Journal of Vacation Marketing. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Medeiros, S. A. de, Campos, A. C., Freitas, L. B. A., Mondo, T. S., & Sthapit, E. (2023). Capturing eudaimonic feelings in tourism experience: A construct proposal and preliminary empirical evidence. Tourism and Hospitality Research. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Medeiros, S., Campos, A. C., Sthapit, E., Freitas, L. B. A., & Mondo, T. (2023). Examining the antecedents and outcomes of satisfaction in film festival context: Further evidence of validity of the eudaimonic feelings construct. Tourism and Hospitality Research. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Mendes, J., & Henriques, C. (2023). Portuguese Tourism - Sustainable Planning: An Overview. Folia Turistica, 61, 11-34.
Montano, L. J., Font, X., Elsenbroich, C., & Ribeiro, M. A. (2023). Co-learning through participatory evaluation: an example using Theory of Change in a large-scale EU-funded tourism intervention. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Nofre, J., Garcia-Ruiz, M., & Martins, J. C. (2023). The Biosecuritization of the Tourist City: Some Reflections from and about Lisbon Nightlife. ACME, an International Journal of Critical Geography, 22(2), 992-1014. (Q2)
Nofre, J., Martins, J. C., Garcia-Ruiz, M., & Teixeira Costa, G. (2023). Una aproximación geográfica a los impactos de la turistificación del ocio nocturno en el barrio de Cais do Sodré, Lisboa. Estudios Geográficos, 84(294), Article e129. (Q4)
Nogueira, C., Marques, J. F., & Pinto, H. (2023). Civil economy as a path towards sustainability: An empirical investigation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 383, Article 135486. (Q1)
Nuevo López, A., Martínez del Vas, G., & Puig Cabrera, M. (2023). Consecuencias y resiliencia del turismo ante el impacto de la pandemia desde una visión de la gestión a escala local para el caso de Málaga. Revista de Estudios Andaluces, 45, 167-189.
Ormerod, N., Parsons, D., & Kenyon, A. (2023). Addictive leisure: an evaluation of the morality-economic politics of balancing casino development with local gambling policy. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q2)
Palácios, H., Sousa, M. J., Almeida, M. H., & Soliman, M. (2023). Mapping Service Quality and Service Climate for Sustainable Strategy in the Hospitality Industry. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies, 18(2), 139-168. (Q3)
Papadopoulou, N. M., Ribeiro, M. A., & Prayag, G. (2023). Psychological Determinants of Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty: The Influence of Perceived Overcrowding and Overtourism. Journal of Travel Research, 62(3), 644–662. (Q1)
Pintassilgo, P., Pinto, P., Costa, A., Matias, A., & Guimarães, M. H. (2023). Environmental attitudes and behaviour of birdwatchers: a missing link. Tourism Recreation Research, 48(3), 399-418. (Q1)
Pinto, H. (2023). A closer look at the economic perspective of José Reis. Interview by Hugo Pinto. Cidades, Sp23. (Q4)
Pinto, H., Guerreiro, J. A., & Fernández-Esquinas, M. (2023). Sources of knowledge in the firm: A review on influential, internal and contextual factors in innovation dynamics. SN Business & Economics, 3, Article 57.
Pinto, H., Milano, C., & Amable, B. (2023). O regresso da Economia Política. Cidades, Sp23. (Q4)
Pinto, H., Nogueira, C., & Vieira, G. (2023). Digitalisation landscape in the European Union: Statistical insights for a Digital Transformation. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 8(1), 20-38. (Q3)
Pontes, A., & Ramos, C. M. (2023). How does Social Media influence the Behaviour of Hotel Consumers?. Journal of Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being, 11(2), 116-135.
Puig-Cabrera, M., Martínez-del Vas, G., Beltrán-Bueno, M. Á., & Nuevo-López, A. (2023). Tourism towards the well-being of Small Island Developing States: Tourism Agenda 2030. Tourism Review, 78(2), 614-629. (Q1)
Ramos, C. M., Cardoso, P. J., Fernandes, H. C., & Rodrigues, J. M. (2023). A decision-support system to analyse customer satisfaction applied to a tourism transport service. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 7(1), Article 5. (Q2)
Ramos, C., & Rodrigues, J. (2023). SNUX2. 0: A Social Network Model for Cohort Behavior Analysis as Support for Purchasing Tourism Products and Services. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 22(2), 132-151. (Q2)
Ramos, J. (2023). Tourism and work environment in sea salt pans. Journal of Heritage Tourism. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q2)
Ramos, J., & Garcês, S. (2023). Safety Criteria in Ecotourism Activities: The Case of a Marine Salt Pan during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Tourism in Marine Environments, 18(3-4), 185-202. (Q3)
Rassal, C. & Correia, A., & Serra, F. (2023). Understanding Online Reviews in All-Inclusive Hotels Servicescape: A Fuzzy Set Approach. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q2)
Ribeiro, M. A., Seyfi, S., Elhoushy, S., Woosnam, K. M., & Patwardhan, V. (2023). Determinants of generation Z pro-environmental travel behaviour: the moderating role of green consumption values. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Ribeiro, T., Almeida, V., Calapez, A., Matsuoka, H., & Yamashita, R. (2023). Esports and Olympic Games: a cross-cultural exploration of the player support behaviour towards the Olympics. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 24(4), 700-721. (Q1)
Ribeiro, T., Calapez, A., Almeida, V., & Matsuoka, H. (2023). Understanding the Role of Sport Values on Social Capital and Word-of-Mouth on the Internet: A Case Study of Esports Games. Simulation & Gaming, 54(6), 645-679. (Q1)
Ribeiro, T., Figueiredo, C., & Correia, A. (2023). Examining the Olympic Education’s Legacy on the Teacher Community: A case study of the Transforma Program. Event Management, 27(7), 1081-1097. (Q3)
Ribeiro, T., López-Carril, S., & Calapez, A. (2023). Do the Olympic values influence the social capital and the in-game commitment? A case study of esports players. Leisure Studies. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q2)
Rodrigues, A., Rosa, M., & Rebelo, E. (2023). A Evolução do Turismo Acessível: das Barreiras Arquitetónicas à Qualidade da Experiência Turística. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 6(4), 65-81.
Rodrigues, M. C. A, Nogueira, C., & Pinto, H. (2023). Social innovations for sustainable water use: small-scale experiences in Lajedo de Timbaúba (Brazil) and Tamera (Portugal). Cidades. Comunidades e Territórios, Sp23, 55-73. (Q4)
Ruxho, F., Teixeira, F., & Pescada, S. (2023). The Regional Economic Indicators and Economic Development of Kosovo. Regional Science Inquiry, XV(1), 73-83. (Q2)
Santos, J. A. C., Fernández-Gámez, M. Á., Guevara-Plaza, A., Santos, M. C., & Pestana, M. H. (2023). The sustainable transformation of business events: sociodemographic variables as determinants of attitudes towards sustainable academic conferences. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 14(1), 1-22. (Q2)
Santos, M. C., Veiga, C., Dantas, S. S., Águas, P., & Santos, J. A. C. (2023). Key drivers for the adoption of circular economy practices in the tourist accommodation sector. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 15(6), 633-655. (Q2)
Shahraki, A. S., Panagopoulos, T., Ashari, H. E., & Bazrafshan, O. (2023). Relationship between indigenous knowledge development in agriculture and the sustainability of water resources. Sustainability, 15(7), Article 5665. (Q1)
Solyukova, N., Viegas, C., & Pinto, P. (2023). Firm-Specific Factors Influencing the Performance of Young Small and Micro-Sized Firms Located in Algarve: The Case of the Tourism-Related Sector. Tourism, 71(1), 29-43. (Q3)
Souki, G. Q., Oliveira, A. S. d., Barcelos, M. T. C., Guerreiro, M. M. M., Mendes, J. d. C., & Moura, L. R. C. (2023). Does guests-perceived value for money affect WOM and eWOM? The impact of consumer engagement on SNS on eWOM. The TQM Journal. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Souki, G. Q., Oliveira, A. S. d., Barcelos, M. T. C., Guerreiro, M. M. M., Mendes, J. d. C., & Moura, L. R. C. (2023). Emotional, cognitive and behavioural repercussions of hotel guests' experiences. Spanish Journal of Marketing – ESIC. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Souki, G. Q., Oliveira, A. S. d., Guerreiro, M. M. M., Mendes, J. D. C., & Moura, L. R. C. (2023). Do memorable restaurant experiences affect eWOM? The moderating effect of consumers' behavioural engagement on social networking sites. The TQM Journal, 35(8), 2255-2281C. (Q1)
Tampakis, S., Andrea, V., Panagopoulos, T., Karanikola, P., Gkarmiri, R., & Georgoula, T. (2023). Managing the conflict of human–wildlife coexistence: a community-based approach. Land, 12(4), 832. (Q2)
Toniatti, C. A., Guerreiro, M., Viana, C., & Pereira, L. (2023). Emerging Branding Trends in the Post-COVID World. Journal of Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being, 11(2), 100-115.
Uslu, A., Erul., E., Santos, J. A. C., Obradovic, S., & Santos, M. C. (2023). Determinants of Residents’ Support for Sustainable Tourism Development: An Empirical Study in Midyat, Turkey. Sustainability, 15(13), Article 10013. (Q1)
Valente-Pedro, C., Matos, N., & Pinto, P. (2023). Holisticscape – the extended servicescape to influence tourists’ holistic health. From a systematic literature review to a research agenda. Tourism and Hospitality Research. Corrected Proof, In Print. (Q1)
Viseu, J., Guerreiro, S., Jesus, S. N., & Pinto, P. (2023). Effect of psychosocial safety climate and organizational justice on affective commitment: A study in the Algarve hotel sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism, 22(2), 320-345. (Q3)
Viverit, L., Heo, C. Y., Pereira, L. N., & Tiana, G. (2023). Application of Machine Learning to Cluster Hotel Booking Curves for Hotel Demand Forecasting. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 111, Article 103455. (Q1)
Vonck, K., Biraben, A., Bosak, M., Jennum, P., Kimiskidis, V., Marusic, P., Mitchell, J., Ferreira, L. N., Ondrušová, M., Pana, A., Persson, U., Von Oertzen, T., & Lattanzi, S. (2023). Usage and impact of Patient-Reported Outcomes in epilepsy. Brain and Behavior, 13(12), Article e3342. (Q2)
Woosnam, K. M., & Ribeiro, M. A. (2023). Methodological and theoretical advancements in social impacts of tourism research. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 31(2), 187-203. (Q1)
Agapito, D. (2022). Advanced Introduction to the Experience Economy. Tourism Management, 90, Article 104497. (Q1)
Albino, C., Vidal, J. C., & Pescada, S. (2022). A importância da cultura organizacional na gestão da satisfação dos trabalhadores de três serviços de saúde públicos. Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Comportamental e Social, 8(1), 1–17.
Almeida, S., & Campos, A. C. (2022). New avenues for business competitiveness: the case of a community of practice in the hotel sector. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 16(1), 20-34. (Q2)
António, N., & Pinto, H. (2022). Youth Associations and Entrepreneurship: Insights from Case Studies in Portugal. Merits, 2(2), 62-80.
Balata, E. E., Pinto, H., & Moreira da Silva, M. (2022). Latent dimensions between water use and socio-economic development: A global exploratory statistical analysis. Regional Sustainability, 3(3), 269-280. (Q1)
Banha, F., Coelho, L. S., & Flores, A. (2022). Entrepreneurship Education: A Systematic Literature Review and Identification of an Existing Gap in the Field. Education Sciences, 12(5), 336. (Q1)
Banha, F., Flores, A., & Coelho, L. S. (2022). NUTS III as Decision-Making Vehicles for Diffusion and Implementation of Education for Entrepreneurship Programmes in the European Union: Some Lessons from the Portuguese Case. Education Sciences, 12(7), 436. (Q1)
Banha, F., Flores, A., & Coelho, L. S. (2022). Quantitizing Qualitative Data from Semi-Structured Interviews: A Methodological Contribution in the Context of Public Policy Decision-Making. Mathematics, 10(19), Article 3594. (Q2)
Banha, F., Flores, A., & Coelho, L.S. (2022). A New Conceptual Framework and Approach to Decision Making in Public Policy. Knowledge, 2(4), 539-556.
Baptista, N., Alves, H., & Matos, N. (2022). Scoping Challenges and Opportunities Presented by COVID-19 for the Development of Sustainable Short Food Supply Chains. Sustainability, 14(21), Article 14475. (Q1)
Barbosa, P. M., Ferreira, L. N., Cruz, V. T.m Silva, A., & Szrek, H. (2022). Healthcare, Clinical Factors and Rehabilitation Predicting Quality of Life in First-time Stroke Patients: A 12-month Longitudinal Study. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 31(4). (Q1)
Bernardo, E. (2022). Cultural Tourism and Heritagization at Douro (Portugal): Bisalhães Black Pottery Souvenir Study Case. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 62, 21-38. (Q3)
Bernardo, E., & Sacramento, O. (2022). Contending heritage: paleolithic engravings, tourism, and the ghosts of the Côa Valley dam (Portugal). Journal of Tourism and Development, 38, 69-83. (Q4)
Blau, M. L., & Panagopoulos, T. (2022). Designing Healing Destinations: A Practical Guide For Eco-Conscious Tourism Development. Land, 11(9), Article 1595. (Q2)
Bolzan, R., Ventura, P., Fernandes, S., & Carvalho, F. (2022). QR codes: A case of its level of adoption in Portugal. Journal of Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being, 10(3), 189-200.
Cabeça, S. M. (2022). Post-Pandemic Tourism: Opportunities for Creative Tourism. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 8(2), 86–106.
Cabeça, S. M., & Santos, J. R. D. (2022). Forma Cultural: Construindo o Conceito a partir do Campo Literário. Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 127, 47-68. (Q4)
Cabeça, S., Gonçalves, A., Marques, J. F., & Tavares, M. (2022). Idea Laboratories: Providing Tools for Creative Tourism Agents. Journal of Tourism and Development, 38, 181-194. (Q4)
Camacho, E., & Garcês, S. (2022). Uma Reflexão sobre Bem-estar nas Organizações e Diversidade Cultural. E-Revista de Estudos Interculturais, 10. (Q4)
Câmara, E., Pocinho, M., Agapito, D., & Jesus, S. N. (2022). Positive Psychology, Well-Being, and Mindfulness: A Successful Partnership Towards the Development of Meaningful Tourist Experiences. Journal of Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being, 10(1), 21-38.
Carvalho, F., & Fernandes, S. (2022). COVID-19 Impact on Tourism: The system thinking approach applied to the case of Portugal. Journal of Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being, 10(2), 75-87.
Chan, C. K., Shek, K. F., & Agapito, D. (2022). Comparing Sensory Experience Creation Process of Visitors with Hearing Impairment and General Visitors in Hong Kong Wetland Park. Sustainability, 14(13), Article 7676. (Q1)
Chan, C., Pikkemaat, B., Agapito, D., & Zhou, Q. (2022). The Connection between VFR Experience based and Sociocultural Dimensions of International Students and Mainland Chinese Students. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 16(1), 276-293. (Q2)
Chan, C., Shek, K. F., & Agapito, D. (2022). The Sensory Experience of Visitors with Hearing Impairment in Hong Kong Wetland Park based on Spatial Sensory Mapping and Self-reported Textual Analysis. Landscape and Urban Planning, 226, Article 104491. (Q1)
Costa, G., Raposo, O., Martins, J. C., Garcia-Ruiz, M., & Nofre, J. (2022). Lazer noturno e resistências juvenis em tempos de (pós-) pandemia: o caso dos jovens do bar Antù em Lisboa. Antropolítica - Revista Contemporânea de Antropologia, 54(3), 118-142.
Cruz, S., Ribeiro de Almeida, C., Pintassilgo, P., & Raimundo, R. (2022). Sustainable Drive Tourism Routes: A Systematic Literature Review. Social Sciences, 11(11), 510. (Q1)
Do, T., Pinto, P., Silva, J., & Pereira, L. (2022). What influences Vietnamese Airbnb travelers’ positive electronic word-of-mouth intentions? An extension of the Mehrabian – Russell model. Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality, 17(2), 143-160. (Q2)
Fernandes, S. (2022). Caminho para a convergência tecnológica e o potencial das cidades inteligentes: Uma abordagem interpretativa. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 14, Article e591.
Ferreira, L. N., Pais, S., Ilchuk, K., & Santos, M. C. (2022). Ageing, Health-Related Quality of Life and Physical Activity – Evidence Based on the EQ-5D-5L. Ageing International, 47, 705-723. (Q3)
Ferreira, L. N., Pereira, L. N., & Brás, M. F. (2022). Studying where it is good to live? Subjective well-being and quality of life in higher education: the case of Brazilian students in the Algarve. Psicologia, 36(1), 1-16. (Q4)
Ferreira, V., Barreira, A. P. C., Pinto, P., & Panagopoulos, T. (2022). Understanding attitudes towards the adoption of nature-based solutions and policy priorities shaped by stakeholders’ awareness of climate change. Environmental Science and Policy, 131, 149-159. (Q1)
Fletcher, T., Ormerod, N., Dashper, K., Musgrave, J., Bradley, A., & Marvell, A. (2022). “It’s not just parties, it’s so much more”: Student perceptions of the credibility of Events Management degrees. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 13(1), 53-69. (Q2)
Garcês, S., Pocinho, M., & Jesus, S. N. (2022). Psicologia do Bem-estar aplicada ao Turismo. Revista Psicologia para Psicólogos, 2, 4-7.
Gato, M. A., Costa, P., Cruz, A. R., & Perestrelo, M. (2022). Creative Tourism as Boosting Tool for Placemaking Strategies in Peripheral Areas: Insights from Portugal. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 46(8), 1500-1518. (Q1)
Golestaneh, H., Guerreiro, M., Pinto, P., & Mosaddad, S. (2022). On the role of internal stakeholders in place branding. Journal of Place Management and Development, 15(2), 202-228. (Q1)
Gonçalves, A., Dorsch, L., & Figueiredo, M. (2022). Digital Tourism: An Alternative View on Cultural Intangible Heritage and Sustainability in Tavira, Portugal. Sustainability, 14(5), Article 2912. (Q1)
Graça, A. R., Banha, F., & Banha, F. M. (2022). Video-Induced tourism in Central Portugal: Production and impact of promotional videos. Tourism and Management Studies, 18(1), 41-50. (Q3)
Granja-Martins, F. M., & Fernandez, H. M. (2022). Application of Geographic Information Systems in optimize the parking spots facilities of scooter sharing service in Faro (Portugal). Geama, 8(3), 40-44.
Henriques, C. H., & Elias, S. R. (2022). Interconnections between the cultural and creative industries and tourism: challenges in four Ibero-American capital cities. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 16(1), 337-351. (Q2)
Kamath, V., Ribeiro, M. A., Woosnam, K. M., Mallya, J., & Kamath, G. (2023). Determinants of Visitors’ Loyalty to Religious Sacred Event Places: A Multigroup Measurement Invariance Model. Journal of Travel Research, 62(1), 176-196.
Kim, Y., Ribeiro, M. A., & Li, G. (2022). Tourism Memory Characteristics Scale: Development and Validation. Journal of Travel Research, 61(6), 1308-1326. (Q1)
Kim, Y., Ribeiro, M. A., & Li, G. (2022). Tourism Memory, Mood Repair and Behavioral Intention. Annals of Tourism Research, 93, Article 103369. (Q1)
Laranja, M., & Pinto, H. (2022). Transformation for a Post-Pandemic World: Exploring Social Innovations in Six Domains. Knowledge, 2(1), 167-184.
Leiria, M., Rebelo, E., & de Matos, N. (2022). Measuring the effectiveness of intermediary loyalty programmes in the motor insurance industry: loyal versus non-loyal customers. European Journal of Management and Business Economics, 31(3), 308-326. (Q1)
Lukoseviciute, G., Pereira, L. N., & Panagopoulos, T. (2022). The Economic Impact of Recreational Trails: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Ecotourism, 21(4), 366-393. (Q1)
Lukoseviciute, G., Pereira, L. N., & Panagopoulos, T. (2022). Assessing the Income Multiplier of Trail-related Tourism in a Coastal Area of Portugal. International Journal of Tourism Research, 24(1), 107-121. (Q1)
Martins, J. (2022). Culture-led Urban Regeneration and Local Expectations of Urban Void Renewal in Eastern Lisbon. Culture Unbound, 14(1), 51-74. (Q2)
Martins, J. A., Guerra, R., Pires, R., Antunes, M. D., Panagopoulos, T., Brázio, A., Afonso, A., Silva, L., Lukas, M. R., & Cavaco, A. M. (2022). SpectraNet–53: A deep residual learning architecture for predicting soluble solids content with VIS-NIR Spectroscopy. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 197, Article 106945. (Q1)
Martins, J. C. (2022). Before Goodbye. The Role of Feytor Pinto in the Communication of Marcello Caetano (1970|1974). Revista de Historia das Ideias, 40, 299-325. (Q4)
Martins, R., Pereira, E., Rosado, A., Marôco, J., McCullough, B., & Mascarenhas, M. (2022). Understanding Spectator Sustainable Transportation Intentions in International Sport Tourism Events. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 30(8), 1972-1991. (Q1)
Mesquita, I., Silva, C., Ghayebzadeh, S., Mataruna, L., & Ribeiro, T. (2022). Are there Opportunities for Women as Head Coaches in Brazil's National Teams? The case of handball. Motriz: Revista da Educação Física, 28(1), Article e10220010421. (Q3)
Mourão, T., Ribeiro, T., & De Almeida, V. (2022). Psychic income benefits of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games: comparison of host community pre- and post-Games perceptions. Journal of Sport and Tourism, 26(1), 21-41. (Q2)
Nofre, J., Martins, J. C., García-Ruiz, M., & Costa, G. (2022). Cuando la turistificación mató la noche en Cais do Sodré (Lisboa). Ábaco - Revista de Cultura y Ciencias Sociales, 112/113, 82-91.
Padeiro, M., de São José, J., Amado, C., Sousa, L., Oliveira, C. R., Esteves, A., & McGarrigle, J. (2022). Neighborhood Attributes and Well-Being Among Older Adults in Urban Areas: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review. Research on Aging, 44(5-6), 351-368. (Q2)
Pereira, E., & Rosa, M. P. (2022). Iron Architectural Decorative Elements in the Urban Landscape of the Historic Centre of Lagos, Portugal. A Contribution for Sustainable Tourism. Journal of Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being, 10(2), 114–131.
Pereira, E., & Rosa, M. P. (2022). Iron railings from urban architectural heritage in the historic centre of Lagos. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 5(2), 322-335.
Pereira, E., Martins, R., Marques, J. F., Flores, A., Aghdash, V., & Mascarenhas, M. (2022). Portugal Nautical Stations: Strategic Alliances for Sport Tourism and Environmental Sustainability. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4, Article 982691. (Q3)
Pereira, E., Garcês, S., & Pocinho, M. (2022). Estudo preliminar de validação de uma escala de bem-estar familiar. Revista de Divulgação Científica – AICA, 15, 17-26.
Pereira, L. N., & Cerqueira, V. (2022). Forecasting hotel demand for revenue management using machine learning regression methods. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(17), 2733-2750. (Q1)
Pereira, L. N., Mendes, J. C., Schrama, D., & Rodrigues, P. M. L. (2022). Consumers’ willingness to pay for fish with a low allergenic potential. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 34(1), 1-22. (Q2)
Petruzzi, M. A., Marques, C., & Campos, A. C. (2022). Socio-cultural impacts of peer-to-peer accommodation on host communities. International Journal of Tourism Research, 25(1), 123-136. (Q1)
Pires, R., Guerra, R., Cruz, S. P., Antunes, M. D., Brázio, A., Afonso, A. A., Daniel, M., Panagopoulos, T., Gonçalves, I., & Cavaco, A. M. (2022). Ripening assessment of ‘Ortanique’ (Citrus reticulata Blanco x Citrus sinensis (L) Osbeck) on tree by SW-NIR reflectance spectroscopy-based calibration models. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 183, Article 111750. (Q1)
Pocinho, M., Garcês, S., & Popa, D. (2022). Editorial: Positive Psychology in Everyday Life. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 913569. (Q2)
Pocinho, M., Garcês, S., & Jesus, S. N. (2022). Wellbeing and resilience in tourism: a systematic literature review during COVID-19. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 333-341. (Q2)
Polanco-Diges, L., Ramón Saura, J., & Pinto, P. (2022). Setting the Relationship between Human-Centered Approaches and Users’ Digital Well-being: A Review. Journal of Tourism, Sustainability and Well-Being, 10(3), 148-171.
Portugal, J. P., Correia, A., & Águas, P. (2022). Decisions on participation in music festivals: an exploratory research in Portugal. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 13(2), 164-181. (Q2)
Ramos, A., Almeida, H., & Borrego, Y. (2022). Social support and job satisfaction in nursing staff: Understanding the link through role ambiguity. Journal of Nursing Management, 30(7), 2937-2944. (Q1)
Ramos, J. (2022). Fleur de sel: How Does a Pinch of Suitable Choice Practices Value this Sustainable Natural Resource?. Resources, 11(7), Article 63. (Q1)
Ramos, J., Pinto, P., Pintassilgo, P., Resende, A., & Cancela da Fonseca, L. (2022). Activating an artisanal saltpan: tourism crowding in or waterbirds crowding out?. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 16(1), 294-305. (Q2)
Rey-Merchán, M. D. C., López-Arquillos, A., & Rosa, M. P. (2022). Carpooling Systems for Commuting among Teachers: An Expert Panel Analysis of Their Barriers and Incentives. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14), Article 8533. (Q1)
Rey-Merchán, M. D. C., López-Arquillos, A., Rosa, M. P., & Gómez-de-Gabriel, J. M. (2022). Proposal for an Institutional Carpooling System among Workers from the Public-Education Sector. Sustainability, 14(21), Article 14601. (Q1)
Ribeiro, C., Silva, C. R., Azevedo, P., & Rosa, M. P. (2022). Smart travel planning to the Algarve by older tourists before the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Journal of Tourism, Sustainability and Well-Being, 10(4), 313-326.
Ribeiro, M. A., Gursoy, D., & Chi, O. H. (2022). Customer Acceptance of Autonomous Vehicles in Travel and Tourism. Journal of Travel Research, 61(3), 620-636. (Q1)
Ribeiro, T., Calapez, A., & Almeida, V. (2022). Does the Olympic legacy and sport participation influence resident support for future events? Leisure Studies, 41(4), 471-486. (Q1)
Ribeiro, T., Correia, A., Figueiredo, C., & Biscaia, R. (2022). The Olympic Games’ impact on the development of teachers: the case of Rio 2016 Official Olympic Education Programme. Educational Review, 74(5), 992-1011. (Q1)
Ribeiro, T., Yoda, R., Papadimitriou, D., & Correia, A. (2022). Resident attitudes toward the Rio 2016 Olympic Games: A longitudinal study on social legacy and support behaviours. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 50(1), 188-198. (Q1)
Ribeiros, D., Martins, P., & Fernandes, S. (2022). Challenges in process design and innovation: study of a case in Portugal. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 43(4), 539-552. (Q3)
Roberts, T., Renda, A. I., & Pinto, P. (2022). Residents’ Perceptions on Tourism Impacts and Quality of Life: The Case of Faro. Journal of Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being, 10(1), 39-57.
Rosa, M. P. (2022). Experimental Education of Collaborative Design. The Case of an Inclusive Bus Stop for a Tourist Transportation Hub. Special Issue - Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Engineering Education. International Journal of Engineering Education, 38(3), 589-599. (Q2)
Ruiz-Ortiz, V., Isidoro, J. M., Fernandez, H. M., Granja-Martins, F. M., & García-López, S. (2022). Mapping the spatial variability of rainfall from a physiographic-based multilinear regression: model development and application to the Southwestern Iberian Peninsula. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194(10), Article 722. (Q2)
Santos, M. C., Veiga, C., Santos, J. A. C., & Águas, P. (2022). Sustainability as a success factor for tourism destinations: a systematic literature review. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 14(1), 20-37. (Q2)
Sedarati, P., Serra, F., & Jakulin, T. J. (2022). Systems Approach to Model Smart Tourism Ecosystems. International Journal for Quality Research, 16(1), 285-306. (Q2)
Soeiro, D., Falanga, R., Martins, J., Silva, M. R., & Pomesano, L. (2022). Sustainable urban regeneration: the role of cultural heritage in Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES). Conservar Património, 40, 9-28. (Q1)
Stadlthanner, K. A., Andreu, L., Ribeiro, M. A., Font, X., & Mattila, A. S. (2022). The effects of message framing in CSR advertising on consumers’ emotions, attitudes, and behavioral intentions. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 31(7), 777-796. (Q1)
Stadlthanner, K. A., Andreu, L., Font, X., Ribeiro, M. A., & Currás-Pérez, R. (2022). How Environmental Gain Messages Affect Cause Involvement, Attitude and Behavioural Intentions: The Moderating Effects of CSR Scepticism and Biospheric Values. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 27(4), 781-799. (Q1)
Thyne, M., Woosnam, K. M., Watkins, L., & Ribeiro, M. A. (2022). Social Distance between Residents and Tourists Explained by Residents’ Attitudes Concerning Tourism. Journal of Travel Research, 61(1), 150-169. (Q1)
Vieira, G. M., Manita, C. B., Ribeiro, C., & Rosa, M. P. (2022). Digital Literacy of Elderly Tourists in the Algarve Destination. Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, 12(2), 180-211. (Q2)
Viseu, J., Pinto, P., Borralha, S., & Jesus, S. (2022). Exploring the role of personal and job resources in professional satisfaction: The case of the hotel sector in Algarve. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 16(1), 207-221. (Q2)
Warnholtz, G., Ormerod, N., & Cooper, C. (2022). The use of tourism as a social intervention in indigenous communities to support the conservation of natural protected areas in Mexico. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 30(11), 2649-2664. (Q1)
Woosnam, K. M., Russell, Z., Ribeiro, M. A., Denley, T. J., Rojas, C., Hadjidakis, E., Barr, J., & Mower, J. (2022). Residents’ Pro-tourism Behaviour in a Time of COVID-19. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 30(8), 1858-1877. (Q1)
Woosnam, K. M., Ribeiro, M. A., Denley, T. J., Hehir, C., & Boley, B. B. (2022). Psychological Antecedents of Intentions to Participate in Last Chance Tourism: Considering Complementary Theories. Journal of Travel Research, 61(6), 1342-1357. (Q1)
Abbaspour, N., Mohammad Ali Pour, R., & Bagheri, F. (2021). An Evaluation of the Usability of Tourism Destination Websites of Iran and Malaysia: an ANP and DEMATEL Hybrid Method. International Journal of Digital Content Management, 2(2), 127-147.
Afonso, C., Henriques, C., & Serra, M. (2021). The importance of gastronomic heritage in journalistic periodicals – the case of the Algarve (Portugal) between 19th and 20th cent (1850 - 1950). Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 4(2), 261-281.
Agapito, D., Pinto, P., Ascenção, M., & Tuominen, P. (2021). Designing Compelling Accommodationscapes: Testing a Framework in a Rural Context. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 21(3), 259-274. (Q1)
Ahmadpour, H., Bazrafshan, O., Rafiei-Sardooi, E., Zamani, H., & Panagopoulos, T. (2021). Gully erosion susceptibility assessment in the Kondoran Watershed using machine learning algorithms and the Boruta feature selection. Sustainability, 13(18), Article 10110. (Q1)
Almeida, S., Campos, A. C., Costa, C., & Simões, J. M. (2021). Competing through coopetition: A strategy for success in hotel marketing consortia. Journal of Mediterranean Tourism Research, 1(1), 39-52.
Antunes, M. D., Gago, C., Guerreiro, A., Sousa, A. R., Julião, M., Miguel, M. G., Faleiro, M. L., & Panagopoulos, T. (2021). Nutritional characterization and storage ability of Salicornia ramosissima and Sarcocornia perennis for fresh vegetable salads. Horticulturae, 7(1), Article 6. (Q1)
Bagheri, F., & Abdi, N. (2021). Discovering recovery strategies from COVID-19 pandemic in lodging sector: insights from ecolodges and luxury hotels (the case of Guilan, Iran). International Journal of Spa and Wellness, 4(2-3), 173-192. (Q4)
Beltrão, J., Bekmirzaev, G., Ben Asher, J., Costa, M., & Panagopoulos, T. (2021). Linear relationship of a soil total water potential function and relative yield—a technique to control salinity and water stress on golf courses and other irrigated fields. Agronomy, 11(10), Article 1916. (Q1)
Ben-Asher, J., Beltrão, J., Bekmirzaev, G., & Panagopoulos, T. (2021). Crop response to combined availability of soil water and its salinity level: theory, experiments and validation on golf courses. Agronomy, 11(10), Article 2012. (Q1)
Bender, A. C., Guerreiro, M., Sequeira, B. D., & Mendes, J. (2021). Hedonic experiences at heritage attractions: the visitor’s perspective. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 15(4), 1-14. (Q2)
Bender, A. C., Rosa, M. P., Lopes, A. C., & Flores, A. (2021). The symbolism of the door knocker “Hand of Fatima”: A proposal of sensory tourist experiences in the city of Lagos. Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, 11(2), 232-258. (Q2)
Bernardo, E., Agapito, D., & Guerreiro, M. (2021). Destination Foodscape – A Holistic Conceptual Framework. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 9(4), 326-342.
Blomstervik, I., Prebensen, N. K., Campos, A. C., & Pinto, P. (2021). Novelty in tourism experiences: The influence of physical staging and human interaction on behavioural intentions. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(20), 2921-2938. (Q1)
Boley, B. B., Strzelecka, M., Yeager, E. P., Ribeiro, M. A., Aleshinloye, K. D., Woosnam, K. M., & Mimbs, B.P. (2021). Measuring Place Attachment with The Abbreviated Place Attachment Scale (APAS). Journal of Environmental Psychology, 74(April), Article 101577. (Q1)
Cavaco, A. M., Cruz, S. P., Antunes, M. D., Guerra, R., Pires, R., Afonso, A. M., Brazio, A., Silva, L., Lucas, M. R., Daniel, M., & Panagopoulos, T. (2021). Spatiotemporal modelling of the quality and ripening of two cultivars of “Algarve Citrus” orchards at different edaphoclimatic conditions. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 172(February), Article 111386. (Q1)
Cora, J., & Henriques, C. (2021). Creative tourism as the basis for policies focused on local sustainable development: The case of Brasilia and Recife – Brazil. Journal of Tourism and Development, 36(1), 367-379. (Q4)
da Silva Matos, N. M., de Sá, E. S., & de Oliveira Duarte, P. A. (2021). A review and extension of the flow experience concept. Insights and directions for Tourism research. Tourism Management Perspectives, 38(April), Article 100802. (Q1)
Fernandes, S. (2021). Covid-19 impact and the potential of smart IoT for cities. International Journal of Computer & Software Engineering, 6(2), 1-6.
Fernandes, S. (2021). Which Way to Cope with Covid-19 Challenges? Contributions of the IoT for Smart City Projects. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 5(2), Article 26. (Q1)
Fernandez, H. M., Granja-Martins, F. M., Pedras, C. M., Fernandes, P., & Isidoro, J. M. (2021). An Assessment of Forest Fires and CO2 Gross Primary Production from 1991 to 2019 in Mação (Portugal). Sustainability, 13(11), Article 5816. (Q1)
Fernández-Díaz, E., Correia, M. B., & Matos, N. D. (2021). Portuguese and Spanish DMOs’ Accessibility Apps and Websites. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(4), 874-899. (Q1)
Ferreira, L. N., Pereira, L. N., Brás, M. F., & Ilchuk, K. (2021). Quality of life under COVID-19 quarantine. Quality of Life Research, 30(5), 1389-1405. (Q1)
Ferreira, P. L., Luzeiro, I., Lopes, M., Jorge. André, Silva, B., & Ferreira, L. (2021). Validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of the modified Migraine Disability Assessment. BMC Neurology, 21, Article 58. (Q2)
Ferreira, V., Barreira, A. P. C., Loures, L. C., Antunes, M. D., & Panagopoulos, T. (2021). Stakeholders' perceptions of appropriate nature-based solutions in the urban context. Journal of Environmental Management, 298, Article 113502. (Q1)
Hehir, C., Stewart, E. Maher, P. T., & Ribeiro, M. A. (2021). Evaluating the impact of Youth Polar Expedition Alumni Programmes on post-trip pro-environmental behaviour: A Community-Engaged Research approach. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 29(10), 1634-1654. (Q1)
Henriques, C., Silva, J., & Santos, M. (2021). Casas de Fado de Lisboa: entre autenticidade e turistificação. Rosa dos Ventos - Turismo e Hospitalidade, 13(2), 460-488.
Henseler, J., Guerreiro, M., & de Matos, N. (2021). The interplay of marketing and design. Review of Managerial Science, 15, 1129-1137. (Q1)
Hesam, M., Bagheri, F., & Arash, A. (2021). Assessment of Tourism Development Compliant with Ecotourism Principles, Case Study: Guilan, Iran. Sustainable Rural Development, 4(2), 263-276.
Kimbu, A. N., de Jong, A., Adam, I., Ribeiro, M. A., Afenyo-Agbe, E., Adeola, O., & FigueroaDomecq, C. (2021). Recontextualising gender in entrepreneurial leadership. Annals of Tourism Research, 88, Article 103176. (Q1)
Lai, H. K., Pinto, P., & Pintassilgo, P. (2021). Quality of life and emotional solidarity in residents’ attitudes toward tourists: The case of Macau. Journal of Travel Research, 60(5), 1123-1139. (Q1)
Leiria, M., Matos, N., & Rebelo, E. (2021). Non-life insurance cancellation: a systematic quantitative literature review. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice, 46(4), 593-613. (Q2)
Lukoseviciute, G., & Panagopoulos, T. (2021). Management priorities from tourists’ perspectives and beach quality assessment as tools to support sustainable coastal tourism. Ocean and Coastal Management, 208, Article 105646. (Q1)
Lukoseviciute, G., & Pereira, L. N. (2021). Tourists’ perceptions of beach quality improvement during the off-peak season: a segmentation approach. Tourism and Management Studies, 17(2), 17-28. (Q3)
Machado, V., Contreiras, J., & Duarte, A. P. (2021). Planning Tourism in Protected Natural Areas: Safety, Soft Law and Conflict Management between Beach Users. The Case of Surf in Aljezur, Portugal. Sustainability, 13(19), Article 10739. (Q1)
Marques, J. F., & Aleixo, F. (2021) Contributing and disruptive factors to place attachment: The inhabitants of Fuzeta (the Algarve, Portugal) and their connection to the Ria Formosa lagoon. Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios, 43, 195-208. (Q4)
Martins, J. (2021). Cities of cultural heritage: Meaning, reappropriation and cultural sustainability in eastern Lisbon riverside. Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis, 13(2), 281-299. (Q4)
Martins, J. C. (2021). Políticas e Práticas de Habitação em Marvila: Passado, Presente e (que?) Futuro. Espaços Vividos e Espaços Construídos: Estudos sobre a Cidade, 1(9), 52-59.
Martins, R., Pereira, E., Rosado, A., & Mascarenhas, M. (2021). Exploring the relationship between sport demand's key players and environmental sustainability: Pointers from a systematic review. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 35, Article 100419. (Q2)
Mascarenhas, M., Pereira, E., Rosado, A., & Martins, R. (2021). How has science highlighted sports tourism in recent investigation on sports’ environmental sustainability? A systematic review. Journal of Sport and Tourism, 25(1), 42-65. (Q2)
Matavelli, R., Jesus, S. N., Pinto, P., & Viseu, J. (2021). Does coping mediate the effect of financial threat on life satisfaction? A multigroup analysis. Análise Psicológica, 39(1), 65-76. (Q3)
Mendonça-Pedro, R., Mendes, J., de Matos, N., Ascenção, M. P., & Pinto, P. (2021). How Tourists Perceive, Create and Encode the Memorable Tourism Experience. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 9(4), 296-325.
Muñoz-Leiva, F., Faísca, L. M., Ramos, C. M. Q., Correia, M. B., Sousa, C. M. R., & Bouhachi, M. (2021). The influence of banner position and user experience on recall. The mediating role of visual attention. Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, 25(1), 85-114. (Q1)
Neves, D., Fernandes, S., & F. Carvalho (2021). Desafios da Covid-19 nas empresas: Breve análise de desempenho do marketing digital. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 9, 1-10.
Ormerod, N., & Wood, E. H. (2021). Regional Event Tourism Funding Policies: A Strategic-Relational Critique of Current Practice. Journal of Travel Research, 60(4), 860-877. (Q1)
Palácios, H., Almeida, H., & Sousa, M. J. (2021). A bibliometric analysis of trust in the field of hospitality and tourism. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 95, Article 102944. (Q1)
Palácios, H., Almeida, H., & Sousa, M. J. (2021). A Bibliometric Analysis of Service Climate as a Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Hospitality. Sustainability, 13(21), Article 12214. (Q1)
Panagopoulos, T., Sbarcea, T., & Herman, K. (2021). A biophilic mindset for a restorative-built environment. Landscape Architecture and Art, 17(17), 68-77. (Q1)
Parreira, A., Pestana, M. H., Santos, J. A. C., & Fernández-Gámez, M. A. (2021). Senior tourists’ motivations for visiting cultural destinations: a cluster approach. Anatolia, 32(4), 604-616. (Q1)
Pedro, I. M., Mendes, J. C., & Pereira, L. N. (2021). Understanding the alumni-alma mater commitment-relationship upstream and downstream. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 31(2), 175-196. (Q1)
Pedro, R. M. M., Mendes, J., Matos, N., & Ascensão, M. P. (2021). [Seção Especial: Turismo em Portugal] Sentidos das Emoções e das Memórias na Experiência Turística: Uma Revisão. Rosa dos Ventos - Turismo e Hospitalidade, 13(2), 538-563.
Peixoto, R., Ramos, C. M., & Monteiro, I. (2021). Sistema de Informação de Gestão de Recursos Humanos: Caso de Estudo num Hotel de 5 Estrelas. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 16(1), 12-32.
Pereiro, X., & Bernardo, E. (2021). Jodidos Turistas. Journal of Political Ecology, 28(1), 1-2. (Q1)
Pereiro, X., & Bernardo, E. (2021). Resensão: Antropologia. Por qué Importa?. Antropologia Portuguesa, 38, 100-104. (Q3)
Perez-Aranda, J., Guerreiro, M., & Mendes, J. (2021). Drivers of e-WOM intensity: differences between hoteliers’ perception and real reviews. European Journal of Tourism Research, 27, 1-23. (Q2)
Pinto, H., Ferreira, S., & Guerreiro, J. A. (2021). The emergence of a Social Innovation Ecosystem in Portugal: An exploratory approach based on the perspective of strategic stakeholders. European Public and Social Innovation Review, 6(2), 15-34. (Q3)
Pinto, H., Nogueira, C., Cruz, A. R., & Uyarra, E. (2021). The social shaping of innovation: networks and expectations as connecting dynamics in regional innovation systems. International Review of Sociology, 31(3), 410-431. (Q2)
Pinto, H., Nogueira, C., Guerreiro, J. A., & Sampaio, F. (2021). Social Innovation and the Role of the State: Learning from the Portuguese Experience on Multi-Level Interactions. World, 2(1), 62-80.
Platania, S., Woosnam, K. M., & Ribeiro, M. A. (2021). Factors Predicting Individuals’ Behavioural Intentions for Choosing Cultural Tourism: A Structural Model. Sustainability, 13(18), Article 10347. (Q1)
Puig-Cabrera, M. (2021). Psychometrics of tourism: a (de)builder of quality of life? evidence from the model of happiness in a Small Island Developing State. Revista de Estudios Andaluces, 41, 205-221.
Puig-Cabrera, M., & Foronda-Robles, C. (2021). Tourism specialization in emerging Latin American destinations: Exploring the algorithm for long-lived and inclusive socio-economic development. Revista de Geografia Norte Grande, 78, 299-321. (Q3)
Quinteiro, S., Gonçalves, A., & Carreira, V. (2021). Resources and potential of Coimbra as a literary tourism destination. Journal of Tourism & Development, 36(2), 419-432. (Q4)
Ramos, C. M., & Hassan, A. (2021). Evaluation of the tourist experience using a framework for the analysis of the influence of social media on tourist behaviour. International Journal of Tourism Policy, 11(3), 207-221. (Q3)
Ramos, C. M., & Casado-Molina, A. M. (2021). Online corporate reputation: A panel data approach and a reputation index proposal applied to the banking sector. Journal of Business Research, 122, 121-130. (Q1)
Ramos, J. (2021). Online Perception of Artificial Reef Risk and Safety by Stakeholders (Including Residents and Tourists) Via the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 9(3), 189-204.
Ramos, J., Tuaty-Guerra, M., Almeida, M., Raposo, A. C., Gaudêncio, M. J., Silva, A. D., Rodrigues, N., Leandro, S. M., & Caetano, M. (2021). An artificial reef at the edge of the deep: An interdisciplinary case study. Ocean & Coastal Management, 210, Article 105729. (Q1)
Ribeiro, M. A., Adam, I., Kimbu, A. N., Afenyo-Agbe, E., Adeola, O., Figueroa-Domecq, C., & Jong, A. (2021). Women entrepreneurship orientation, networks and firm performance in the tourism industry in resource-scarce contexts. Tourism Management, 86, Article 104343. (Q1)
Ribeiro, T., & Almeida, V. (2021). The Rio's transport legacy: pre- and post-Games resident perceptions. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 22(1), 32-52. (Q1)
Ribeiro, T., & Correia, A. (2021). The relationship between organisational issues and social impacts of Rio Olympic Games: a volunteer’s perspective. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 13(1), 124-145. (Q1)
Ribeiro, T., Correia, A., & Biscaia, R. (2021). The social impact of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games: comparison of residents' pre- and post-event perceptions. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 11(2), 201-221. (Q2)
Ribeiro, T., Correia, A., & Marôco, J. (2021). Exploring the Games’ Intangible Legacy on Individuals: A Longitudinal Study of Teacher’s Community. Social Sciences, 10(10), 359. (Q1)
Ribeiro, T., Correia, A., Biscaia, R., & Bason, T. (2021). Organisational issues in Olympic Games: a systematic review. Event Management, 25(2), 135-154. (Q3)
Ribeiro, T., & Almeida, V. (2021). Does the Olympic legacy perceived in the host city influence the resident support after the Games? International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 13(3), 393-408. (Q1)
Ribeiro, T., & Almeida, V. (2021). Host city transportation issues: conceptualization, scale development, and validation. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 11(3), 321-339. (Q2)
Ribeiros, D., Ventura, P., & Fernandes, S. (2021). Process improvement: A key function for enterprises and their value delivery. International Journal of Computer & Software Engineering, 6(1), 1-4.
Rodrigues, A., Rosa, M., & Rebelo, E. (2021). Dinâmicas em Espaços Culturais do Centro Histórico de Portimão. Revista Rosa dos Ventos - Turismo e Hospitalidade, 13(2), 489-516.
Rolim, A. M., Duarte Pinto, V., & Rosa, M. P. (2021). Birdwatching and birding by ear: an accessible and inclusive tourism proposal for the city of Lagos. Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, 11(1), 48-85. (Q2)
Rosa, M. P., de Mello, G. S., & Morato, S. (2021). Tactile paving surfaces at bus stops. The need of homogeneous technical solutions for accessible tourism. Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, 11(2), 259-294. (Q2)
Rosa, M. P., & de Mello, G. S. (2021). Pavimentos Táteis em Paragens de Autocarro. Revista Interdisciplinar em Cultura e Sociedade, 7(2), 241-260.
Rydzik, A., Agapito, D., & Lenton, C. (2021). Visibility, power and exclusion: The (un)shifting constructions of normativity in wedding tourism brochures. Annals of Tourism Research, 86, Article 103090. (Q1)
Sánchez-Lozano, G., Pereira, L. N., & Chávez-Miranda, E. (2021). Big data hedonic pricing: Econometric insights of room rates’ determinants by hotel category. Tourism Management, 85, Article 104308. (Q1)
Santos, J. A. C., & Santos, M. C. (2021). Editorial: Advances in Senior Tourism Research. Anatolia, 32(4), 531-536. (Q1)
Saura, J. R., Reyes-Menéndez, A., de Matos, N., & Correia, M. B. (2021). Identifying Startups Business Opportunities from UGC on Twitter Chatting: An Exploratory Analysis. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(6), 1929-1944. (Q1)
Serra, N., António, N, Henriques, C., & Afonso, C. (2021). Promoting Sustainability through Regional Food and Wine Pairing. Sustainability, 13(24), Article 13759. (Q1)
Solano-Sánchez, M. A., Santos, J. A. C., Santos, M. C., & Fernández-Gámez, M. A. (2021). Holiday Rentals in Cultural Tourism Destinations: A Comparison of Booking.com-Based Daily Rate Estimation for Seville and Porto. Economies, 9(4), 2-16. (Q1)
Tadini, R., Gauna Ruiz de León, C., Gandara, J. M., & Pereira, E. C. S. (2021). Eventos deportivos y turismo: revisión sistemática de la literatura. Investigaciones Turísticas, 21, 22-45. (Q4)
Agapito, D. (2020). The senses in tourism design: A bibliometric review. Annals of Tourism Research, 83, Article 102934. (Q1)
Agapito, D., & Brito, P.Q. (2020). A dyadic approach to adolescents’ risky online behaviors. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 8(3), 244-267.
Agrela, S., Pocinho, M., & Garcês, S. (2020). Thinking about Resilience and (in) Higher Education. AICA - Associação de Investigação Científica do Atlântico, 12, 25-32.
Aleshinloye, K. D., Fu, X., Ribeiro, M. A., Woosman, K. M., & Tasci, A. D. A. (2020). The Influence of Place Attachment on Social Distance: Examining Mediating Effects of Emotional Solidarity and the Moderating Role of Interaction. Journal of Travel Research, 59(5), 828-849. (Q1)
Almeida, R., Cruz, A. R., Costa, P., Gato, M. A., & Perestrelo, M. (2020). Knowledge transfer in the cultural and creative activities: Comparative notes from regions of the Atlantic area. Finisterra, 55(113), 63-88. (Q3)
Almeida, S., & Campos, A. C. (2020). Leveraging customer value through co-creative experiences: a look into hotel businesses. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 33, 137-150.
Azimi Sardari, M. R., Bazrafshan, O., Panagopoulos, T., & Rafiei Sardooi, E. (2020). Current and future assessment of soil erosion in minab esteglal dam watershed using RUSLE 3D and climate change scenarios. Desert Management, 7, 119-132.
Bagheri, F. (2020). Analyzing the coastal tourism studies in Iran. Geographical Studies of Coastal Areas Journal, 1(2), 29-52.
Baptista, N., Alves, H., & Matos, N. (2020). Public sector organizations and cocreation with citizens: A literature review on benefits, drivers, and barriers. Journal of Non-profit and Public Sector Marketing, 32(3), 217-241. (Q3)
Bayat, N., Zanganeh, S., Bagheri, F., Hafezi, M., Tarazonas, D., & Salvati, L. (2020). Tourism insurance and Socio-demographic contexts in Iran: A Delphi Panel. International Journal of Mathematics of Computation, 31(1), 1-10.
Bernardo, E. (2020). Report of the Final Presentation Seminar of Results of the "Dourotur" Project - Thinking about the future of tourism in the Douro. PASOS - Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 18(2), 339-342. (Q2)
Bernardo, E., & Pereiro, X. (2020). Responsible tourism: Cosmetics, utopia or reality? An analysis of the scientific literature. International Journal of Tourism Anthropology, 8(1), 22-43. (Q3)
Bernardo, E., & Rodrigues, V. (2020). Buying Sweet Memories: the heritagization of food souvenirs in northern Portugal. Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism, 4(3), 129-140.
Bernardo, E., & Rodrigues, V. (2020). Tourism in Cape Verde, Government and Governance. PASOS - Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 18(1), 27-38. (Q2)
Bolzan, R., Ventura, P., & Fernandes, S. (2020). QR Code: Challenges and Potentials for Services in Pos-Covid Era. International Journal of Computer & Software Engineering, 5(2), 1-3.
Campos, A. C., Pinto, P., & Scott, N. (2020). Bottom-up factors of attention during the tourist experience: an empirical study. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(24), 3111-3133. (Q1)
Cardoso, P. J. S., Rodrigues, J. M. F., Pereira, J., Nogin, S., Lessa, J., Ramos, C. M. Q., Bajireanu, R., Gomes, M., & Bica, P. (2020) Cultural Heritage Visits Supported on Visitors’ Preferences and Mobile Devices. Universal Access in the Information Society, 19, 499-513. (Q1)
Carrozza, C., Cruz, A. R., Nogueira, C., Pinto, H., & Uyarra, E. (2020). European knowledge and entrepreneurial ecosystems: Networks within climate change and adaptation research. Thunderbird International Business Review, 62(5), 1-13. (Q1)
Casado Molina, A. M., Ramos, C. M. Q., Rojas-de-Gracia, M. M., & Peláez-Sánchez, J. I. (2020). Reputational Intelligence: Innovating Brand Management Through Social Media Data. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 120(1), 40-56. (Q1)
Dashper, K., Ormerod, N., Fletcher, T., Lomax, D., Marvell, A., & Bradley, A. (2020). Informed consumers? Students, choices and events management degrees. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 27, Article 100260. (Q2)
Denley, T. J., Woosnam, K. M., Ribeiro, M. A., Boley, B. B., Hehir, C., & Abrams, J. (2020). Individuals’ intentions to engage in last chance tourism: applying the value-belief-norm model. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(11), 1860-1881. (Q1)
Espigares-Jurado, F., Muñoz-Leiva, F., Correia, M. B., Sousa, C. M., Ramos, C. M. Q., & Faísca, L. (2020). Visual attention to the main image of a hotel website based on its position, type of navigation and belonging to Millennial generation: An eye tracking study. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 52, Article 101906. (Q1)
Fernandez, H. M., Gomes, C. P., & Martins, F. M. G. (2020). Monitorização por satélite da desflorestação da floresta do Maiombe em Cabinda, Angola nos últimos 33 anos. Revista Geama, 6(3), 81-91.
Fernandez, H. M., Granja-Martins, F. M., & Arsénio, E. (2020). Aplicação das novas tecnologias para o mapeamento da suscetibilidade ao risco da ravina do "Caminho de Ferro" em Luena (Moxico, Angola). Territorium, 27(I), 67-82.
Fernandez, H., Martins, F., & Isidoro, J. M. (2020). Mapping rainfall aggressiveness from physiographical data: application to the Grândola Mountain range (Alentejo, Portugal). Physical Geography, 41(5), 451-466. (Q2)
Fernández-Gámez, M. A., Juan Antonio Campos-Soria, J. A., Santos, J., & Alaminos, D. (2020). European country heterogeneity in financial distress prediction: An empirical analysis with macroeconomic and regulatory factors. Economic Modelling, 88, 398-407. (Q1)
Fernández-Gámez, M. A., Santos, J. A., Campos-Soria, J. A., & Diéguez-Soto, J. (2020). The Effect of Countries' Health and Environmental Conditions on Restaurant Reputation. Sustainability, 12(23), Article 10101. (Q1)
Ferreira, V., Barreira, A. P. C., Loures, L. C., Antunes, M. D., & Panagopoulos, T. (2020). Stakeholders engagement on nature-based solutions and green infrastructure: A systematic literature review. Sustainability, 12(2), Article 640. (Q1)
Garcês, S., Pocinho, M., & Jesus, S. N. (2020). Psychometric analysis of the Tourism Wellbeing Scale (TWS): a multidisciplinary approach. Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, 92(1). (Q2)
Garcês, S., Pocinho, M., & Jesus, S. N. (2020). The Best Tourism Island Destination in the World and Meaningful Experiences: A Systematic Literature Review. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 53, 23-34. (Q3)
Garcês, S., Pocinho, M., Jesus, S. N., & Câmara, E. (2020). Psychology of Tourism: exploring touristsʼ wellbeing and creative personalities. Atas do X Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, Universidade da Madeira, 2019. Psicologia, 34(1), 431-436. (Q4)
Garcês, S., Pocinho, M., Jesus, S. N., Câmara, E., & Martins, P. (2020). Exploring creativity and wellbeing characteristics of Portuguese tourists. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 8(1), 4-15.
Guerreiro, M., Mendes, J., Fortuna, C., & Pinto, P. (2020). The dynamic nature of the city image: Do image components evolve over time? Tourism, 68(1), 83-99. (Q3)
Henseler, J., & Guerreiro, M. (2020). Design and marketing: Intersections and challenges. Creativity and Innovation Management, 29(S1), 3-10. (Q1)
Illario, M., Zavagli, V., Ferreira, L. N., Sambati, M., Teixeira, A., Lanata, F., Pais, S., Farrell, J., & Tramontano, D. (2020). The frailty of the invincible. Translational Medicine @ UniSa. 23(1), 1-15.
Karanikola, P., Panagopoulos, T., Tampakis, S., & Tampakis, A. (2020). Visitor preferences and satisfaction in Attica zoological park, Greece. Heliyon, 6(9), Article e04935.
Loures, L., Burley, J. B., Panagopoulos, T., & Zhou, J. (2020). Dimensions in post-industrial land transformation on planning and design: a Portuguese case study concerning public perception. Journal American Society of Mining and Reclamation, 9(3), 14-43.
Loures, L., Chamizo, A., Ferreria, P., Loures, A., Castanho, R., & Panagopoulos, T. (2020). Assessing the effectiveness of precision agriculture management systems in Mediterranean small farms. Sustainability, 12(9), Article 3765. (Q1)
Machado, V., Contreiras, J., & Duarte, A. P. (2020). Local tourist accommodation and institutional strengthening in the interior of the Algarve, Portugal: The role of legislation and technology. Journal of Place Management and Development, 13(3), 255-272. (Q1)
Martins, J. C. (2020). Tangible cultural heritage re-appropriation towards a new urban centrality. A critical crossroad in semi-peripheral eastern riverside Lisbon. Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 13(3), 139-146. (Q2)
Matavelli, R.D., Jesus, S. N., Pinto, P., & Viseu, J. (2020). Social support as a moderator of the relationship between financial threat and life satisfaction. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 8(1), 16-28.
Matos, N., Correia, M. B., Saura, J. R., Reyes-Menendez, A., & Baptista, N. (2020). Marketing in the Public Sector—Benefits and Barriers: A Bibliometric Study from 1931 to 2020. Social Sciences, 9(10), 168. (Q1)
Megeirhi, H. A., Ribeiro, M. A., & Woosnam, K. M. (2020). Job search behavior explained through perceived tolerance for workplace incivility, cynicism and income level: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 44, 88-97. (Q1)
Megeirhi, H. A., Woosnam, K. M., Ribeiro, M. A., Ramkissoon, H., & Denley, T. J. (2020). Employing a value-belief-norm framework to gauge Carthage residents’ intentions to support sustainable cultural heritage tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(9), 1351-1370. (Q1)
Mendes, A., Câmara, J., Caires, A. L., Garcês, S., & Pocinho, M. (2020). Creativity and cognitive reserve in old age: An exploratory study in the Portuguese population. Psicologia, 34(1), 229-235. (Q4)
Nofre, J., Martins, J. C., Vaz, D., & Pires, C. (2020). Liminal governance in the Lisbon night. Forum Sociológico, 7, 39-48.
Orgambídez, A., & Almeida, H. (2020). Exploring the link between structural empowerment and job satisfaction through the mediating effect of role stress: A cross-sectional questionnaire study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 109, 1-7. (Q1)
Orgambídez, A., & Almeida, H. (2020). Social Support, Role Clarity and Job Satisfaction: A Successful Combination for nurses. International Nursing Review, 67(3), 1-7. (Q1)
Orgambídez, A., & Almeida, H. (2020). Supervisor Support and Affective Organizational Commitment: The Mediator Role of Work Engagement. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 42(3), 187-193. (Q1)
Paiva, K., & Santos, J. (2020). Management of stress, pleasure, suffering and burnout at work. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 79(10), 935-940. (Q2)
Patwardhan, V., Ribeiro, M. A., Woosnam, K. M., Payini, V., & Mallya, J. (2020). Visitors' loyalty to religious tourism destinations: Considering place attachment, emotional experience and religious affiliation. Tourism Management Perspectives, 36, Article 100737. (Q1)
Pedras, C. M., Fernandez, H. M., Lança, R., & Granja-Martins, F. (2020). Applying Remote Sensing Technologies in Urban Landscapes of the Mediterranean. AgriEngineering, 2(1), 27-36.
Pedro, I. M., Mendes, J. C., & Pereira, L. N. (2020). Identifying patterns of alumni commitment in key strategic relationship programmes. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 17, 445-468. (Q2)
Pedro, I. M., Mendes, J. C., Pereira, L. N., & Sequeira, B. D. (2020). Alumni’s perceptions about commitment towards their university: drivers and consequences. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 17(4), 469-491. (Q2)
Pereira, L. N., Santos, M. C., & Ferreira, L. N. (2020). Tourism stakeholders’ perceptions on global trends in coastal areas of the Mediterranean region. International Journal of Tourism Policy, 10(1), 23-46. (Q3)
Pinto, P. C., Assunção, H., & Rosa, M. P. (2020). Senior tourists’ perceptions of tactile paving at bus stops and in the surrounding environment: Lessons learned from project ACCES4ALL. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 15(4), 413-421. (Q3)
Pinto, V. D., Martins, C., Rodrigues, J., & Rosa, M. P. (2020). Improving access to greenspaces in the Mediterranean city of Faro. AIMS Environmental Science, 7(3), 226-246.
Pocinho, M., Garcês, S., Jesus, S.N., Viseu, J., & Tobal, J. (2020). Psychometric study of the short-form of the Creative Personality Scale. Atas do X Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, Universidade da Madeira, 2019. Psicologia, 34(1), 345-353. (Q4)
Pourdarbani, R., Sabzi, S., Jarolmasjed, S., & Panagopoulos, T. (2020). Determination of the most effective wavelengths for prediction of fuji apple starch and total soluble solids properties. Applied Sciences, 10(22), Article 8145. (Q1)
Quinteiro, S., Carreria, V., & Gonçalves, A. R. (2020). Coimbra as a Literary Tourism Destination: Landscapes of Literature. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 14(3), 361-372. (Q2)
Quinteiro, S., Gonçalves, A. R., & Carreira, V. (2020). Caraterização e Análise do Potencial de Desenvolvimento do Turismo Cultural Literário em Coimbra. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 56, 85-99. (Q3)
Ramon Saura, J., Reyes-Menendez, A., Matos, N., Correia, M., & Palos-Sanchez, P. (2020). Consumer behavior in the digital age. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 8(3), 190-196.
Remoaldo, P., Serra, J. Marujo, N., Alves, J., Gonçalves, A., Cabeça, S., & Duxbury, N. (2020). Profiling the participants in creative tourism activities: Case studies from small and medium sized cities and rural areas from Continental Portugal. Tourism Management Perspectives, 36, Article 100746. (Q1)
Reyes-Menendez, A., Correia, M. B., Matos, N., & Adap, C. (2020). Understanding Online Consumer Behavior and eWOM Strategies for Sustainable Business Management in the Tourism Industry. Sustainability, 12(21), Article 8972. (Q1)
Rodrigues, A., Rosa, M., & Rebelo, E. (2020). Património Arquitetónico em Rotas Turísticas Pedonais. Um contributo para a identidade cultural de Portimão e Loulé. OMNIA, 10(1), 13-30.
Rosa, M. P., Gameiro, C., Sousa, C., & Costa Pinto, P. (2020). An analysis of elderly tourists’ constraints in the use of public transport. International Journal of Transport Development and Integration, 4(2), 163-178. (Q3)
Rosa, M. P., Pinto, P. C., & Assunção, H. (2020). An evaluation of the universal accessibility of bus stop environments by senior tourists. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 15(6), 835-840. (Q3)
Rosa, M. P., Tavares, I. L., & Loureiro, N. S. (2020). Cultural accessible pedestrian ways. The case of Faro historic centre. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(2), 75-95.
Sabzi, S., Pourdarbani, R., Kalantari, D., & Panagopoulos, T. (2020). Designing a fruit identification algorithm in orchard conditions to develop robots using video processing and majority voting based on Hybrid Artificial Neural Network. Applied Sciences, 10, Article 383. (Q1)
Sacramento, O., Dominguez, C., Rodrigues, V., & Bernardo, E. (2020). Tourism governance through the eyes of local stakeholders: Experiences and new possibilities in the Douro region (Portugal). International Journal of Tourism Policy, 10(3), 221-243. (Q3)
Samora-Arvela, A., Ferreira, J., Vaz, E., & Panagopoulos, T. (2020). Modelling nature-based and cultural recreation preferences in Mediterranean regions as opportunities for smart tourism and diversification. Sustainability, 12, Article 433. (Q1)
Sánchez-Lozano, G., Pereira, L. N., & Chávez-Miranda, E. (2020). Exploring online prices with an advance booking horizon on Booking.com. European Journal of Tourism Research, 26, Article 2606. (Q2)
Sánchez-Lozano, G., Pereira, L. N., & Chávez-Miranda, E. (2020). Estudio de la oferta de precios hoteleros antecipada a través de un importante canal de distribuición online. Cuadernos de Turismo, 46, 145-162. (Q4)
Santos, C., Pereira, E., & Mascarenhas, M. (2020). Educational Dimension of Olympism: A Systematic Literature Review. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 42(3), 111-132. (Q4)
Santos, J., Santos, M., Pereira, L. N., Richards, G., & Caiado, L. (2020). Local food and changes in tourist eating habits in a sun-and-sea destination: a segmentation approach. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(11), 3501-3521. (Q1)
Santos, M., Ferreira, A., Costa, C., & Santos, J. (2020). A model for the development of innovative tourism products: From service to transformation. Sustainability, 12(11), Article 4362. (Q1)
Terkenli, T., Bell, S., Toskovic, O., Tomicevic, J. D., Panagopoulos, T., Straupe, I., Kristianova, K., Staigyte, L., O'Brien, L., & Zivozjinovic, I. (2020). Tourist perceptions and uses of urban green infrastructure: an exploratory cross-cultural investigation. Urban Forestry Urban Greening, 49, Article 126624. (Q1)
Vera, L. A. R., Gosling, M. S., & Silva, J. A. (2020). Consumo colaborativo no turismo: Um estudo quantitativo sobre o Airbnb no Brasil e em Portugal. Dos Algarves: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 38, 1-40.
Vieira, T. A., & Panagopoulos, T. (2020). Urban forestry in Brazilian Amazonia. Sustainability, 12(8), Article 3235. (Q1)
Viseu, J., Pinto, P., Borralha, S., & Jesus, S. N. (2020). The role of individual and organizational variables as predictors of job satisfaction among hotel employees. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 20(4), 466-480. (Q1)
Alaminos, D., Fernández, S., Neves, P., & Santos, J. (2019). Predicting Sovereign Debt Crises with Fuzzy Decision Trees. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 78(11), 733-737. (Q2)
Alaminos, D., Fernández-Gámez, M. A., Santos, J., & Campos-Soria, J. A. (2019). Predicting Sistemic Banking Crisis using Extreme Gradient Boosting. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 78(9), 571-575. (Q2)
Alcoforado, E., Alcoforado, D., Santos, J., & Schön, M. (2019). Knowledge Management through Groupware Technology. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 78(6), 354-357. (Q2)
Almeida, C., & Rosa, M. (2019). Perfil e Mobilidade dos Turistas Seniores durante a sua Estadia no Algarve. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 13(1), 106-130.
Almeida, H., & Orgambídez, R. (2019). Workplace Empowerment and Job Satisfaction in Portuguese Nurses: An Explicative Model. Health Care Manager, 38(3), 220-227. (Q2)
Azimi Sardari, M. R., Bazrafshan, O., Panagopoulos, T., & Sardooi, E. R. (2019). Modeling the impact of climate change and land use change scenarios on soil erosion at the Minab dam watershed. Sustainability, 11(12), Article 3353. (Q1)
Barreira, A. P., Nunes, L. C., Guimaraes, M. H., & Panagopoulos, T. (2019). Satisfied but thinking about leaving: the reasons behind residential satisfaction and residential attractiveness in shrinking Portuguese cities. International Journal of Urban Sciences, 23, 67-87. (Q1)
Batista, N., Pereira, J., Moreira, A. C., & Matos, N. (2019). Exploring the meaning of social innovation: a categorisation scheme based on the level of policy intervention, profit orientation and geographical scale. Innovation: Organization and Management, 21(3), 379-397. (Q2)
Bernardo, E., & Jorge, F. (2019). Are local residents able to contribute to tourism governance? - impacts and perceptions in Cape Verde. PASOS - Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 17(3), 611-624. (Q2)
Cabeça, S. M., Gonçalves, A. R., Marques, J. F., & Tavares, M. (2019). Mapping Intangibilities in Creative Tourism Territories through Tangible Objects: a methodological approach for developing creative tourism offers. Tourism & Management Studies, 15(SI), 42-49.
Correia, V., Carvalho, J., Araújo, D., Pereira, E., & Davids, K. (2019). Principles of Nonlinear Pedagogy in sport practice. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 24(2), 117-132. (Q1)
Cruz, A. R., Almeida, R. N., Costa, P., Gato, M. A., & Perestrelo, M. (2019). Knowledge transfer in the cultural and creative sector: institutional aspects and perspectives from actors in selected Atlantic Regions. Social Sciences, 8(3), Article 77. (Q1)
Cruz, A. R., Perestrelo, M., Gato, M., & Costa, P. (2019). Connecting the dots: contributions to the creative tourism dynamics in Portugal. Tourism and Management Studies, 15(SI), 23-32. (Q3)
Fernandes, S. (2019). Approaching the potential of cyber-physical systems to tourism projects. Journal of Creative Industries and Cultural Studies, 3, 68-89.
Fernandes, S., & Castela, G. (2019). Start-ups’ accelerators support open innovation in Portugal. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 26(1), 82-93. (Q3)
Fernández-Gámez, M. A., Castillo, D. A., Santos, J., & Alcoforado, E. (2019). Corporate Reputation, Financial Performance and Earnings Quality. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 78(1), 15-18. (Q2)
Fernández-Gámez, M. A., Diéguez-Soto, J., Santos, J., & Rosa, J. M. (2019). Bankruptcy Prediction using Combined Classifiers. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 78(5), 269-273. (Q2)
Ferreira, P. L., Antunes, P., Ferreira, L. N., Pereira, L. N., & Ramos-Goñi, J. M. (2019). A hybrid modelling approach for eliciting health state preferences: the Portuguese EQ-5D-5L value set. Quality of Life Research, 28(3), 3163-3175. (Q1)
Fontana, R. F., Anjos, S., Pinto, P., & Anana, E. (2019). Gestión de destinos turísticos. Un análisis comparativo entre dos destinos consolidados en Brasil y Portugal. Estudios y Perspectivas em Turismo, 28, 1-20.
García-Pozo, A., Campos-Soria, J., Santos, M., & Santos, J. (2019). Determinants of Environmental Innovations: New Evidence at the sector Level. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 78(2), 76-80. (Q2)
Ghaderi, E., Kazemian, G. R., & Bagheri, F. (2019). The Assessment of Importance - Performance of Dimensions and the Indices of Integrated Tourism Management in Mazandaran Province Beaches. Geography and Sustainability of Environment, 9(2), 45-65.
Gómez, T. G., Domínguez-Gómez, J. A., & Pinto, H. (2019). Eurocity: From political construction to local demand: Or vice-versa?. Sustainability, 11(22), Article 6217. (Q1)
Guerreiro, C., Viegas, M., & Guerreiro, M. (2019). Social Networks and Digital Influencers: Their Role in Customer Decision Journey in Tourism. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 7(3), 240-260.
Guerreiro, M., Henriques, C., & Mendes, J. (2919). Cultural and Creative Tourism: The Case of ‘Celebrations’ in the Algarve Region. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 7(4), 320-338.
Henriques, C. (2019). Turismo Cultural como vetor de Sustentabilidade nas Cidades. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2(4), 327-352.
Henriques, C., & Moreira, M. C. (2019). Creative Tourism and Urban Sustainability: The cases of Lisbon and Oporto. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 51, 93-108. (Q3)
López García, J. J., Lizcano, D., Ramos, C. M., & Matos, N. (2019). Digital Marketing Actions That Achieve a Better Attraction and Loyalty of Users: An Analytical Study. Future Internet, 11(6), Article 130. (Q1)
Machado, V., Contreiras, J., & Duarte, A. (2019). Local tourist accommodation and institutional strengthening in the interior of the Algarve, Portugal: The role of legislation and technology. Journal of Place Management and Development, 13(3), 255-272. (Q1)
Nofre, J., Martins, J. C., Vaz, D., Fina, R., Sequera, J., & Vale, P. (2019). The ‘Pink Street’ in Cais do Sodré: urban change and liminal governance in a nightlife district of Lisbon. Urban Research and Practice, 12(4), 322-340. (Q1)
Nogueira C., Pinto, H., & Marques J. F. (2019), Innovative and transition potential of intentional sustainable communities: Towards an exploratory conceptual model. Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios, 39, 155-173. (Q4)
Orgambídez, A., & Almeida, H. (2019). Core burnout and power in Portuguese nursing staff: An explanatory model based on structural empowerment. Workplace Health & Safety, 67(8), 391-398. (Q1)
Panagopoulos, T. (2019). Landscape urbanism and green infrastructure. Land, 8(7), Article 112. (Q2)
Pereira, E., Mascarenhas, M., Flores, A., Chalip, L., & Pires, G. (2019). Strategic leveraging: evidences of small-scale sport events. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 11(1), 69-88. (Q2)
Pignaton, A. B., Santos, J., & Tavares, M. (2019). Brazilian Cultural Heritage and Its Potential for Providing Tourist Experiences through Interpretation. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 7(4), 291-303.
Pinto, H., D'Emery, R., Nogueira, C., & Laranja, M. (2019). Especialização inteligente e a descoberta empreendedora em Pernambuco. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, 18(2), 299-330.
Pinto, H., Garofoli, G., & Reis, J. (2019). Territorial Obstinacy. Regional Science Policy and Practice, 11(6), 879-883. (Q1)
Pinto, H., Healy, A., & Cruz, A. R. (2019). Varieties of capitalism and resilience clusters: an exploratory approach to European regions. Regional Science Policy and Practice, 11(6), 913-933. (Q2)
Pinto, H., Nogueira, C., & Domínguez-Gómez, J. A. (2019). Innovation systems and regional resilience: A network analysis. Revista Espanhola de Sociologia, 28(3), 35-52. (Q2)
Pinto, H., Nogueira, C., Laranja, M., & Edwards, J. (2019). The tropicalisation of smart specialisation: Initial considerations and innovation systemic failures for the development of a strategy in Pernambuco (Brazil). Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 50, 103-122. (Q3)
Pinto, H., Pereira, T. S., & Uyarra, E. (2019). Innovation in firms, resilience and the economic downturn: Insights from CIS data in Portugal. Regional Science Policy and Practice, 11(6), 951-967. (Q2)
Pocinho, M., & Garcês, S. (2019). Construção da Escala de Bem-Estar Experiencial. Revista de Divulgação Científica – AICA, 11, 51-57.
Puig-Cabrera, M., & Foronda-Robles, C. (2019). Expectations versus reality, does tourism contribute to the quality of life? A psychometric analysis based on Dominican perception. Espacios, 40(38). (Q3)
Puig-Cabrera, M., & Foronda-Robles, C. (2019). The phenomenon of Tourism Poverty Trap: is it possible that tourism breaks the vicious circle of poverty in emerging destinations?. Journal of Poverty, 24(4), 334-353. (Q2)
Puig-Cabrera, M., & Foronda-Robles, C. (2019). Tourism, smallness and insularity: A suitable combination for quality of life in small island developing states (SIDS)?. Island Studies Journal, 14(2), 61-80. (Q1)
Ramos, C. M. Q., Casado-Molina, A. M., & Ignácio-Peláez, J. (2019). An Innovative Management Perspective for Organizations through a Reputation Intelligence Management Model. International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector, 11(4), 1-20. (Q3)
Ramos, J., Lino, P. G., Himes-Cornell, A., & Santos, M. N. (2019). Local fishermen’s perceptions of the usefulness of artificial reef ecosystem services in Portugal. PeerJ, 1, Article e6206. (Q1)
Ramos, J., Rosová, V., & Campos, A. C. (2019). Sunny, Windy, Muddy and Salty Creative Tourism Experience in a Salt Pan. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 51, 41-53. (Q3)
Ribeiro, M. A., & Prayag, G. (2019). Perceived quality and service experience: mediating effects of positive and negative emotions. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 28(3), 285-305. (Q1)
Rodrigues, A., Vaz, S., Rosa, M., & Rebelo, E. (2019). Cultural Tourism for All: Experiences in Bairr' Art Social Project in The Municipality of Loulé. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2(4), 216-237.
Rodrigues, J. M. F., Ramos, C. M. Q., Pereira, J., Cardo, J., & Cardoso, P. J. S. (2019). Mobile five Senses Augmented Reality System: technology acceptance study. IEEE ACCESS, 7(1), 163022-163033. (Q1)
Rossi, J., & Ramos, C. M. Q. (2019). A relevância do uso de Smartphones durante a experiência turística. Revista Turismo Visão e Ação (RTVA), 21(3), 265-290.
Ruis-Palomo, D., Diéguez-Soto, J., Duréndez, A., & Santos, J. (2019). Family Management and Firm Performance in Family SMEs: The Mediating Roles of Management Control Systems and Technological Innovation. Sustainability, 11(14), Article 3805. (Q1)
Sánchez, J., Correia, M. B., & Matos, N. (2019). The image of South American countries as tourist destinations through their official Facebook social network. Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo, 28(3), 612 -635.
Santos, G. E. O., Gursoy, D., Ribeiro, M. A., & Neto, A. P. (2019). Impact of transparency and corruption on mega-event support. Event Management, 23(1), 27-40. (Q1)
Santos, M., Veiga, C., Águas, P., & Santos, J. (2019). Sustainability communication in hospitality in peripheral tourist destinations: Implications for marketing strategies. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 11(6), 660-676. (Q2)
Solano-Sánchez, M. A., Núñez-Tabales, J. M., Caridad y Ocerin, J. M., Santos, J., & Santos, M. (2019). Dataset for holiday rentals’ daily rate pricing in a cultural tourism destination. Data in Brief, 27, Article 104697. (Q1)
Soler, I., Gemar, G., Correia, M., & Serra, F. (2019). Algarve hotel price determinants: A hedonic pricing model. Tourism Management, 70, 311-321. (Q1)
Villar, F., Serrat, R., de Sao José, J. M., Montero, M., Giuliani, M. F., Carbajal, M., Oliveira, R. C., Nina-Estrella, R., Curcio, C.-L., Alfonso, A., & Tirro, V. (2019). Disclosing Lesbian and Gay Male Sexual Orientation in Later Life: Attitudes of Younger and Older Generations in Eight Latin American Countries. Journal of Homosexuality, 66(11), 1546-1569. (Q1)
Villar, F., Serrat, R., de São José, J. M., Montero, M., Arias, C. J., Nina-Estrella, R., Curcio, C.-L., Carbajal, M., Oliveira, R. C., Torro, V., & Alfonso, A. (2019). Age-Discrepant Couples Involving an Older Adult: The Final Frontier of Ageism? Attitudes in Eight Latin American Countries. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 17(4), 430-448. (Q1)
Vorobiova, N., Pinto, P., Pintassilgo, P., & Lavandoski, L. (2019). Motivations of tourists in wine regions: the case of La Rioja, Spain. International Journal of Wine Business Research, 32(3), 353-371. (Q2)
Woosnam, K. M., Maruyama, N. U., Ribeiro, M. A., & Joo, D. (2019). Explaining minority residents’ attitudes of ethnic enclave tourism from general perceptions of tourism impacts. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 17(4), 467-484. (Q1)
Almeida, C. (2018). Airline routes and second home tourism. The French market in the Algarve. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 6(4), 392-405.
Amado, C. A. F., Santos, S. P., & São José, J. M. S. (2018). Measuring and decomposing the gender pay gap: A new frontier approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 271(1), 357-373. (Q1)
Antunes, M. D., Gago, C., Branquinho, A. R., Julião, M., Guerreiro, A., Miguel, G., Faleiro, M. L., & Panagopoulos, T. (2018). Behavior of “green salt” from Salicornia ramosissima and Sarcocornia perennis through storage. Acta Horticulturae, 1194, 777-782. (Q4)
Antunes, N. M. B., Ramos, C. M. Q., & Sousa, C. M. R. (2018). A experiência turística nas redes sociais: Motivações, implicações e impactes da geração de conteúdos. DosAlgarves: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 32, 20-37.
Antunes, N., Ramos, C., & Sousa, C. (2018). Who are the Tourists Sharing Content on Social Media? Behaviour and Characteristics. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 6(3), 237-257.
Barreira, A. P., & Cesário, M. (2018). Factors influencing the choice of the Algarve region as a tourist destination: Does season matter?. International Journal of Tourism Research, 20(5), 578-587. (Q1)
Bernal-Conesa, J. A., Nieves-Nieto, C., Briones-Peñalver, J. A., & Santos, J. A. (2018). Corporate social responsibility and sustainability’s effect on the relationship between technological companies’ stakeholders and performance. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 77(10), 570-574. (Q2)
Bernardo, E., & Pereiro, X. (2018). O turismo do Douro visto de dentro e de fora: resumo do seminário intermédio do projeto Dourotur. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 10(1), 153-166.
Blau, M. L., Luz, F., & Panagopoulos, T. (2018). Urban river recovery inspired by nature-based solutions and biophilic design in Albufeira, Portugal. Land, 7(4), Article 141. (Q2)
Briones-Peñalver, A. J., Santos, J. A., Bernal Conesa, J. A., & Santos, M. C. (2018). Innovation management and strategy. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 77(8), 437-441. (Q2)
Briones-Peñalver, A. J., Santos, J. A., Bernal Conesa, J. A., & Santos, M. C. (2018). Influence of cooperation and collaborative ICT in knowledge management. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 77, 313-317. (Q2)
Cabeça, S. M. (2018). Cultural Mapping: A Sustainable Methodology for Intangible Cultural Heritage. Memoriamedia, 3, Article 5.
Campos, A. C., Mendes, J., Valle, P., & Scott, N. (2018). Co-creation of tourist experiences: A literature review. Current Issues in Tourism, 21(4), 369-400. (Q1)
Casado-Molina, A. M., Ramos, C. M. Q., & Cabrera, F. (2018). Managing Intangibles Relational Capital for the sustainability of the Energy Sector in the Social Media. Tourism & Management Studies, 14(3), 85-93.
Cavaco, A. M., Antunes, M. D., Guerra, R., Rosendo, M., Pires, R., Brázio, A., Silva, L., Afonso, A. M., & Panagopoulos, T. (2018). Fruit quality survey techniques to optimize crop management in Citrus orchards. Acta Horticulturae, 1194, 135-142. (Q4)
Cavaco, A. M., Antunes, M. D., Panagopoulos, T., Rosendo, M., Pires, R., Brázio, A., Silva, L., Afonso, A. M., & Guerra R. (2018). Upgrading current practices in Vis/NIR spectroscopy for insitu orchard monitoring. Acta Horticulturae, 1194, 745-752. (Q4)
Cavaco, A. M., Pires, R., Antunes, M. D., Panagopoulos, T., Brázio, A., Afonso, A. M., Silva, L., Lucas, R. M., Cadeiras, B., Cruz, S. P., & Guerra, R. (2018). Validation of short wave near infrared calibration models for the quality and ripening of ‘Newhall’ orange on tree across years and orchards. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 141, 86-97. (Q1)
Cesário, M., & Fernandes, S. (2018). Smart innovation strategy and innovation performance: An empirical application on the Portuguese small and medium-sized firms. Regional Science Policy and Practice, 11(6), 969-982. (Q2)
Coelho, P., Ferreira, L. N., Vital, C., & Fragata, J. (2018). Does aortic valve replacement surgery improve patients’ quality of life?. Acta Medica Portuguesa, 31(7-8), 399-408. (Q2)
Correia, V., Carvalho, J., Araújo, D., Pereira, E., & Davids, K. (2018). Educação Física na Educação Pré-Escolar: Delinear ambientes representativos de aprendizagem. Cadernos de Educação de Infância, 114, 21-24.
Costa, V., & Almeida, C. (2018). Low cost carriers and tourism destinations development: case study of Oporto, Portugal. Tourism & Management Studies, 14(2), 7-15.
D’Emery, R., Pinto, H., & Almeida, C. (2018). Governance networks and second home tourism: Insights from a sun and sea destination. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 6(4), 375-391.
de Sousa Silva, C., Viegas, I., Panagopoulos, T., & Bell, S. (2018). Environmental justice in accessibility to green infrastructure in two European cities. Land, 7(4), Article 134. (Q2)
Eurico, S., Pinto, P., Marques, C., & Silva, J. (2018). The ECSI model in higher education in tourism: a segmentation analysis in the Portuguese case. Tourism, 66(2), 208-226. (Q3)
Fernandes, S. (2018). Novos desafios em SI: A crescente importância dos processos ciber-físicos. RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 30, 51-61. (Q4)
Fernandes, S., Cesário, M., & Castela, G. (2018). Modern innovation challenges to firms and cities: The case of Portugal. Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 13(2), 33-42. (Q3)
Garcês, S. (2018). Creativity in Science Domains: a reflection. Atenea, 517, 241-253. (Q3)
Garcês, S., Pocinho, M., Jesus, S. N., & Rieber, M. (2018). Positive Psychology & Tourism: A Systematic Literature Review. Tourism & Management Studies, 14(3), 41-51.
Garcês, S., Pocinho, M., & Jesus, S. N. (2018). Review of optimism, creativity and spirituality in tourism research. Journal of Tourism and Development, 24(1), 107-117. (Q4)
Ghaderi, E., Bagheri, F., Farzin, M., & Kazemian, G. (2018). Coastal Tourism Management: Analysis of the integrated approach. Tourism and Development, 7(4), 175-204.
Ghoddousi, S., Pintassilgo, P., Mendes, J., Ghoddousi A., & Sequeira, B. (2018) Tourism and Nature Conservation: A Case Study in Golestan National Park, Iran. Tourism Management Perspectives, 26, 20-27. (Q1)
Gonçalves, J., Guerreiro, M., Mendes, J. C., & Pereira, L. N. (2018). Events Brand Personality: Insights from music festivals in Portugal. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 6(3), 326-343.
Guerreiro, A., Gago, C., Miguel, G., Faleiro, M. L., Panagopoulos, T., & Antunes, M. D. (2018). Potential of strawberry tree fruit (Arbutus unedo L.) for fresh consumption and its behavior through storage. Acta Horticulturae, 1194, 941-946. (Q4)
Herman, K., Sbarcea, M., & Panagopoulos, T. (2018). Creating green space sustainability through low-budget and upcycling strategies. Sustainability, 10(6), Article 1857. (Q1)
João, K., Jesus, S.N., Carmo, C., & Pinto, P. (2018). Sleep quality components and mental health: Study with a non-clinical population. Psychiatry Research, 269, 244-250. (Q1)
João, K., Jesus, S.N., Carmo, C., & Pinto, P. (2018). The impact of sleep quality on the mental health of a non-clinical population. Sleep Medicine, 46, 69-73. (Q1)
Karanikola, P., Panagopoulos, T., Tampakis, S., & Tsantopoulos, G. (2018). Cycling as a smart and green mode of transport in small touristic cities. Sustainability, 10(1), Article 268. (Q1)
Kontodimopoulos, N., Stamatopoulou, E., Brinia, A., Talias, M. A., & Ferreira, L. N. (2018). Are condition-specific utilities more valid than generic preference-based ones in asthma? Evidence from a study comparing EQ-5D-3L and SF-6D with AQL-5D. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, 18(6), 667-675. (Q2)
Lavandoski, J., Vargas-Sánchez, A., Pinto, P., & Silva, J. A. (2018). Causes and effects of wine tourism development in organizational context: The case of Alentejo, Portugal. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 18(1), 107-122. (Q1)
Machado, V., Carrasco, P., Contreiras, J. P., Duarte, A., & Gouveia, D. (2018). Governing Locally for Sustainability: Public and Private Organizations’ Perspective in Surf Tourism at Aljezur, Costa Vicentina, Portugal. Tourism Planning and Development, 15(6), 692-704. (Q1)
Moita, P., & Ramos, C. M. Q. (2018). As redes sociais como plataforma de comunicação da informação turística. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 10(1), 12-34.
Muñoz-Medraño, M. C., Briones-Peñalver, A. J., & Santos, J. A. (2018). Innovation management and cooperation in the government of social economy entities. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 77(12), 684-687. (Q2)
Naranjo, J. M., Loures, L., Castanho, R. A., Cabezas, J., & Panagopoulos, T. (2018). Assessing the feasibility of GIS multimethod approach to ascertain territorial accessibility to hemodynamics rooms in Spain mainland. Habitat International, 71, 22-28. (Q1)
Nofre, J., Giordano, E., Eldridge, A., Martins, J. C., & Fernandez, J. S. (2018). Tourism, nightlife and planning: challenges and opportunities for community liveability in La Barceloneta. Tourism Geographies, 20(3), 377-396. (Q1)
Nogueira, C. (2018). Contornos e Tendências das Comunidades Sustentáveis Intencionais em Portugal – uma análise descritiva e exploratória. Chão Urbano, 6, 11-39.
Nunkoo, R., Ribeiro, M. A., Sunnassee, V., & Gursoy, D. (2018). Public trust in mega event planning institutions: The role of knowledge, transparency and corruption. Tourism Management, 66, 155-166. (Q1)
Oliveira, M. D., Agostinho, A., Ferreira, L., Nicola, P., & Costa, C. B. (2018). Valuing health states: Is the MACBETH approach useful for valuing EQ-5D-3L health states?. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 16, Article 235. (Q1)
Orgambídez-Ramos, A., & Almeida, H. (2018). Predictors of Organizational Commitment in Nursing: Results from Portugal. Investigación y Educación en Enfermería, 36(1), Article e14. (Q2)
Panagopoulos, T., Jankovska, I., & Bostenaru-Dan, M. (2018). Urban green infrastructure: the role of urban agriculture in city resilience. Urbanism Architecture Constructions, 9(1), 55-70.
Panagopoulos, T., Tampakis, S., Karanikola, P., Karipidou-Kanari, A., & Kantartzis, A. (2018). The usage and perception of pedestrian and cycling streets on residents’ well-being in Kalamaria, Greece, Land, 7, Article 100. (Q2)
Pedro, I., Pereira, L. N., & Carrasqueira, H. (2018). Determinants for the commitment relationship maintenance between the alumni and the alma mater. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 28(1), 128-152. (Q1)
Pereira, L. N., Santos, M., Bertocchi, D., Camatti, N., & van der Borg, J. (2018). Tourism Observatories 3.0: A Transnational Experiment in the Med. University Ca' Foscari of Venice, Dept. of Economics. Research Paper Series, No. 21/WP/2018.
Perez-Aranda, J., Guerreiro, M. M., & Mendes, J. (2018). Predictors of positive reviews on hotels. Hoteliers` perception. Online Information Review, 42(2), 146-160. (Q1)
Pinto, H., & Fernández-Esquinas, M. (2018). What do stakeholders think about knowledge transfer offices? The perspective of firms and research groups in a regional innovation system. Industry and Innovation, 25(1), 25-52. (Q1)
Portalés, C., Rodrigues, J. M. F., Gonçalves, A. R., Alba, E., & Sebastián, J. (2018). Digital Cultural Heritage. Multimodal Technologies Interact, 2(3), Article 58.
Puig-Cabrera, M., & Foronda-Robles, C. (2018). Tourism and poverty alleviation: An approach from the perspective of emerging destinations within the framework of the 2030 Agenda. Investigaciones Turisticas, 16, 1-22. (Q3)
Ribeiro, M. A., Woosnam, K. M., Pinto, P., & Silva, J. A. (2018). Tourists’ Destination Loyalty through Emotional Solidarity with Residents. Journal of Travel Research, 57(3), 279-295. (Q1)
Ribeiro, M. A., Pinto, P., Silva, J. A., & Woosman, K. M. (2018). Examining the predictive validity of SUS-TAS model with maximum parsimony in developing island countries. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(3), 379-398. (Q1)
Ribeiro, T., Correia, A., Biscaia, R., & Figueiredo, C. (2018). Examining service quality and social impact perceptions of the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 19(2), 160-177. (Q1)
Rodrigues, V., Bernardo, E., & Dominguez, C. (2018). Public tourism framework in the Douro region: tourism governance in perspective. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 10(1), 55-75.
São José, J. M. (2018). Care and the shadow of the fourth age: How does home care get caught up in it and how does it stay away from it?. Ageing and Society, 40(3), 643-662. (Q1)
Suárez-Cebador, M., Rubio-Romero, J. C., Contreiras, J. P., & Gemar, G. (2018). A model to measure sustainable development in the hotel industry: A comparative study. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 25(5), 722-732. (Q1)
Tampakis, S., Panagopoulos, T., Karanikola, P., & Padopoulos, A. (2018). Development, pollution and stakeholders’ activities for the protection of the coastal and marine environment. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 19(3), 1130-1137. (Q3)
Vallespín, M., Molinillo, S., & Ramos, C. M. Q. (2018). Who relies on mobile payment systems when they are on vacation? A segmentation analysis. Tourism, 66(1), 6-18. (Q3)
Veiga, C., Santos, M., Águas, P., & Santos, J. (2018). Sustainability as a key driver to address challenges. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 10(6), 662-673. (Q2)
Viseu, J., Leal, R., Jesus, S. N., Pinto, P., Pechorro, P., & Greenglass, E. (2018). Relationship between economic stress factors and stress, anxiety, and depression: Moderating role of social support. Psychiatry Research, 268, 102-107. (Q1)
Wehner, C., López-Bonilla, J. M., López-Bonilla, L. M., & Santos, J. A. (2018). State of the art of pricing policy in air transportation: network carriers vs. low-cost airlines. Tourism & Management Studies, 14(3), 32-40.
Woosnam, K. M., Aleshinloye, K. D., Ribeiro, M. A., Stylidis, D., Jiang J., & Erul, E. (2018). Social determinants of place attachment at a World Heritage Site. Tourism Management, 67, 139-146. (Q1)
Yousaf, A., Amin, I., & Santos, J. A. (2018). Tourists’ motivations to travel: A theoretical perspective on the existing literature. Tourism and Hospitality Management, 24(1), 197-211. (Q3)
Agapito, D., Pinto, P. & Mendes, J. (2017). Tourists' memories, sensory impressions and loyalty: In loco and post-visit study in Southwest Portugal. Tourism Management, 58, 108-118.
Almeida, C.R. & Costa, V. (2017). The dynamics of a low cost carrier business model. Tourism Spectrum, 3(1), 1-13.
Almeida, C.R. (2017). Acessibilidades aéreas na Europa. A dinâmica da operação das LCC. O caso da Ryanair. OMNIA, 7, 117-124.
Almeida, H., Orgambídez-Ramos, A. & Batista, P. (2017). Workplace empowerment and job satisfaction in Portuguese nursing staff. Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 8(4), 749–755.
Almeida, S., Fernandez, H., Martins, F., Pedras, C. & Lança, R. (2017). Impact of fuel load on post-fire hydrological soil properties under laboratory conditions. Territorium, 24, 213-219.
Ambrósio, S. Marques, J.F. Santos, L. & Doutor, C. (2017). Higher education institutions and international students’ hindrances: The case of the students from the African Portuguese speaking countries at two European Portuguese universities. Journal of International Students, 7(2), 367-394.
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Arslanova, L., Agapito, D. & P. Pinto (2017). Tourism destination image of Russia in the perspective of the Portuguese market. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 5(2), 146-158.
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Banha, F., Almeida, H. & Orgambídez-Ramos, A. (2017). Interpretive structural modeling (ISM) approach: The main barriers of Portuguese entrepreneurship ecosystem. Tourism & Management Studies, 13(2), 60-70.
Barão, A.P., Baleiro, R. & Pereira, R. (2017). Criação de um instrumento promotor da melhoria do atendimento ao público na administração pública: O guia do colaborador. DosAlgarves: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 31, 55-72.
Barreira, A.P., Agapito, D., Panagopoulos, T. & Guimarães, M.H. (2017). Exploring residential satisfaction in shrinking cities: A decision-tree approach. Urban Research and Practice, 10(2), 156-177.
Barreira, A.P., Ramalho, J.J.S., Panagopoulos, T. & Guimarães, M.E. (2017). Factors driving the population growth and decline of Portuguese cities. Growth and Change, 48(4), 853–868.
Becker, N.B. & Jesus, S.N. (2017). Adaptation of a 3-factor model for the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index in Portuguese older adults. Psychiatry Research, 251, 298-303.
Becker, N.B., Jesus, S.N., João, K.A.D.R., Viseu, J. & Martins, R. (2017). Depression and sleep quality in older adults: a meta-analysis. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 22(8), 889-895.
Bernardo, R., Carotenuto, G., Mellone, M. & Ribeiro, M. (2017). Early years prospective teachers’ interpretative knowledge on early algebra. Cadernos de Pesquisa, 24(4), 208-222.
Beydha, I., de Souza, S. S. S. R., de São Pedro Filho, F., and Madeira, M. J. A. (2017). Epistemological character of isomorphism in generation of innovation. International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, 3(3), 39-48.
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Campos, A.C., Mendes, J., Valle, P. & Scott, N. (2017). Co-creating animal-based tourist experiences: attention, involvement and memorability. Tourism Management, 63, 100-114.
Cardoso, I., Fernandes, J., Andraz, Goncalves, G. & Gonçalves, C. (2017). Intensidade moral e tomada de decisão: Estudo aplicado a estudantes do ensino superior em Gestão. DosAlgarves: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 31, 81-97.
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Cesário, M., Agapito, D., Almeida, H. & Fernandes, S. (2017). The use of design as a strategic tool for innovation: An analysis of different firms’ networking behaviours. European Planning Studies, 25(11), 2097-2116.
Costa, F., Almeida, C.R. & Martins, A. (2017). Turismo Acessível. Boas práticas, desenvolvimento e desafios na Região do Algarve. OMNIA, 6, 25-38.
Costa, V., Conceição, O. & Almeida, C.R. (2017). Air transport and tourism destinations. The case of Oporto airport and Portugal's Northern Region. Tourism Spectrum, 3(1), 41-49.
Domingues, R., Costas, S., Jesus, S.N. & Ferreira, Ó. (2017). Sense of place, risk perceptions and preparedness of a coastal population at risk (Faro beach, Portugal): A qualitative content analysis. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 5(3), 163-175.
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Efthimiu, G., Ntouras, K. & Panagopoulos, T. (2017). Knowledge and attitudes of forestry students on nature and protected areas in Greece. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 5(1), 4-11.
Fernandes, S. & Fragoso, J. (2017). Information systems’ portfolio: Contributions of enterprise and process architecture. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 5(3), 208-22.
Fernandes, S., Cesário, M. & Barata, J.M. (2017). Ways to open innovation: Main agents and sources in the Portuguese case. Technology in Society, 51, 153-162.
Fernandes, S., Cesário, M., Jesus, B. & Barata, J.M. (2017). Cooperation for innovation in services: Learning from consultancy in Portugal. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 22(3), 322–339.
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Peter Nijkamp and Eveline van Leeuwen (2012). “Agricultural policy in Europe: an experiment on economic, social and ecological sustainability”. XL Incontro di Studio del Ce.S.E.T., pp. 9-15.
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Castela, G. (2010), “Quantitative Methods Applied to Social Sciences – The Pathological-numeric Codification of Public Hospitals in Portugal: Implementation of Mechanisms to Support the Assessment Process of Hospital Clinical Records and their Relationship with Funding” in Discussion Papers n. º3_Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. Edition University of Algarve, CIEO – Research Center for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, ISSN: 1647-3183. Faro, July 2010. (Em co-autoria com Marreiros, A., Rebelo, E. e Galindo, M.P.)
Castela, G. (2010), “Quantitative Methods Applied to Social Sciences – A CHAID Contribution to the Detection of Criminal Profiles: Developments in Strategic Planning and Tactical Guidance of Police Resources in the Algarve Region” in Discussion Papers n. º3_Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. Edition University of Algarve, CIEO – Research Center for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, ISSN: 1647-3183. Faro, July 2010. (Em co-autoria com Mora B.)
Castela, G. (2010), “Quantitative Methods Applied to Social Sciences – The Evolution of Tourism Research: A New Knowledge Platform?” in Discussion Papers n. º3_Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. Edition University of Algarve, CIEO – Research Center for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, ISSN: 1647-3183. Faro, July 2010. (Em co-autoria com Silva, J. A. e Rebelo E.)
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