Coordinator: Dora Agapito
Co-Coordinator: Hugo Pinto
Framework: In tourism and hospitality industry, it is important to increase tourism expenditure and to attract visitors in a profitable way, but it is also necessary to complement these practices with the creation of authentic and memorable experiences, the increasing of the well-being of the residents, the promotion of social justice and gender equality and the preservation of natural and cultural assets.
The research of the competitiveness in tourism and hospitality industry needs to incorporate those challenges and also to analyse the role of innovation, the promotion of new products and experiences, the development of human resources, implementation of new marketing techniques and, at the same time, to promote socially responsible entrepreneurship and governance.
Indeed, another challenging topic of research is ’tourism destination governance’, raising questions such as: How to organize a framework of a broadly defined public administration in the destinations? What are the correlations between governance characteristics and destination effectiveness? How to strengthen governance practices, namely through stakeholder engagement, new forms of collaboration, political transparency, etc?
Focus: This research area focuses on producing and transferring knowledge to manage competitive organizations and destinations based on innovation, new products and experiences, enhanced human resources, and new marketing approaches while promoting socially responsible entrepreneurship, good governance, and economic growth.
Alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN for 2030: Decent work and Economic Growth (goal 8); Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (goal 9); Responsible Consumption and Production (goal 12).
Keywords: Destination Planning and Governance; Social Responsibility in Tourism and Hospitality; Destination and Hospitality Branding and Image; Tourism and Hospitality Demand Forecasting; Human Resources Management in Tourism and Hospitality; Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality; Political Economy of Tourism; Tourism Economic Impacts; Tourism Experience Management; Air Transportation Management; Entrepreneurship in Tourism; Consumer Behaviour in Tourism and Hospitality; Law and Tourism; Attractions Marketing and Management; Destination management.
Photo by Conor Rees on Unsplash
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