Knowledge and technology transfer to industry

CinTurs IMs participated in 36 consultancy projects in 2018-23, financed by companies, industry and other private sources, aiming to produce and transfer knowledge to support decision-making. More info:

Coordinators of R&D projects usually organise knowledge transfer sessions for decision-makers. For example, some projects organised events at the Algarve Tourism Board (RTA)-DMO headquarters to disseminate results to mayors of municipalities, hotel and hospitality associations, among other key regional stakeholders. The press is always invited to be present. These events are also promoted in the social network of CinTurs to engage a broader range of regional tourism-related stakeholders in using data-driven knowledge and empirical-based management recommendations in their organisations.

CinTurs transfer knowledge to technological companies working on hotel software solutions, such as distribution channels, reservation and integration systems, CRM and revenue management solutions. Several predictive and prescriptive machine learning approaches were implemented in intelligent systems that Hotelnet, Srl and, Omnibees, SA sell to hotels in Europe and Latin America.

CinTurs is contributing to shape tourism policy and practice across Europe and Africa. An IM of CinTurs collaborated with other European DMOs to conduct research in Cape Verde, Ghana, Nigeria, and Guinea-Bissau and transferred knowledge to regional and national authorities, fostering sustainable tourism practices for sustainable economic growth.

CinTurs also promote knowledge transfer to and within Tourism through a joint organisation conferences of the t-Forum Conference 2020 with the PESTANA Hotel Group. 

CinTurs has also been transferring knowledge to the industry through the Fostering Innovation in Tourism Hub, promoted by Turismo of Portugal, more specifically through the "Tourism Co-Lab"-Ideation and Pre-Acceleration Program and the "push4tourism"-Open Innovation Program.

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