Promotion and dissemination of scientific results

CinTurs strongly supports the participation of all research team members in conferences around the world to disseminate new ideas and results, among other innovative approaches to studying tourism, leisure and hospitality.

Researchers of CinTurs participated in many conferences in the period 2018-23, in which they presented about 700 communications here:

CinTurs actively promotes and supports outreach activities to engage a larger audience than the scientific community. R&D projects organise face-to-face and online sessions open to faculty members, IM, DN, decision-makers and residents. Some researchers of CinTurs have participated in the UAlg's initiatives such as the "2 Minutes of Science" ( and the UAlgZine magazine ( to promote the transfer of knowledge for society. In addition, several researchers disseminated the results of R&D projects through radio podcasts, such as "Os Dias do Futuro" ( and "90 Segundos de Ciência" ( CinTurs' researchers also actively disseminate scientific knowledge in the press ( and through TV appearances. The CinTurs social network (Facebook) also publishes events and scientific knowledge.

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