TrailGazersBid - An analytical & technical framework to measure returns from trail

The Trail Gazers partnership will develop a framework, which will enable the future management and promotion of trails across the Atlantic Area. The framework will use digital technologies and indicators to develop trails in an environmentally friendly, sustainable, cost effective and highly innovative manner. The project consists of 7 distinct and interrelated Work Packages, which collectively measure the economic and social impact from investing and creatively promoting identified trails, in areas of rich, natural and cultural heritage. By establishing a common set of economic, social and environmental indicators, utilising innovative technologies and systems (sensors, GIS, augmented reality) and displaying metrics via a ‘Trails Dashboard’, Trail Gazers will analyse existing and future levels of activity on chosen trails. The project will explore how new technologies such as Go Pro cameras, drones and Talking Heads can be used to showcase trails to Atlantic tourist visitors via virtual experiences. By sharing of partner experiences and Knowledge, the project will develop Destination Management Plans to preserve natural and cultural assets for future generations. Finally, the project will also impact on policy makers with a framework that identifies the required levels of investment, programming and management required to assist trails to become more economically and socially driven, thus increasing and attracting more visitors to the Atlantic regions.

Partner institutions: Donegal County Council, Ireland Border, Midland and Western (Lead Partner); Sligo County Council 2 Ireland Border, Midland and Western Region; Merthyr Tydfil County, Borough Council, United Kingdom, West Wales and The Valleys; Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom South Western, Scotland; Ulster University, United Kingdom, Northern Ireland; Dirección General de Protección de la Naturaleza – Gobierno de Canarias, Spain Islas Canarias; Navarra de Suelo y, Vivienda, S.A.U., Spain Navarra; Munícipio de Viana do Castelo, Portugal; Ville de Louvigné du Désert, France Bretagne; Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being (CinTurs), University of Algarve, Portugal

CinTurs researcher(s): Thomas Panagopoulos (Coordinator UAlg), Patrícia Pinto, Manuela Guerreiro, Luís Nobre Pereira and Cláudia Henriques.

Budget UAlg: 273.855€

Total budget: 1.900.000€

Funding institution(s): ERDF by Interreg Atlantic Area

Period: 2019 – 2021

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