finMED - Boosting the financing of innovation for green growth sectors through innovative clusters services in the MED area

How to ensure proper financing to the transition toward a green and sustainable growth? How to boost green innovations leveraging on financial drivers? How to support green growth guiding the industry (SMEs) toward sustainable innovation? What can be the role of clusters? Which future policy framework can assure financing to green growth?

A pool of 15 partners, including regions, clusters and business support organisations, knowledge providers and development agencies, from 9 different countries, joined their forces in finMED to answer to these crucial challenges for the future of MED regions.

finMED is the only Integrated project belonging to the MED Green Growth Community and will have 48 months to study, test, transfer and capitalize concrete solutions to sustain the financing of innovation for green sectors. It integrates efforts, practices and actions among different kind of actors, enforcing the idea that green growth is a win win viable strategy for the future of citizens, private sectors, investors and financers, and it must be sustained with proper financing practices.

Target groups of finMED project include national, regional and local public authorities, clusters and business support organisations, sectoral agencies, green sectors’ enterprises and SMEs, higher education, research organisations and financers (financial institutions, banks, investment funds and business angel).

finMED being the only Integrated project belonging to the Green Growth Community aims to boost the financing of innovation in green growth sectors through improved delivery of policies and strategies and the introduction of innovative cluster services.

Partners: Regione Piemonte, Universita’ Degli Studi di Torino, Environment Park SPA, (Lead Partners), Italy; Region of Western Macedonia, Greece; Sarajevo Economic Regional Development Agency, Bosnia-Herzegovina; University of Algarve, Algarve; Larnaca-Famagusta District Development Agency, Cyprus; Autonomous Region of Sardinia, Italy; Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia; Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece; EA Eco-Enterprises, France; Gozo Development Agency, Malta; Territorial Collectivity of Corsica, France; IVACE, Spain; and Technological Corporation of Andalusia, Spain.

CinTurs researcher(s): João Guerreiro (UAlg Coordinator), Marisa Cesário and Nelson Matos

Budget UAlg: 230.300,31€

Funding institution(s): ERDF by Interreg MED Programme

Period: 2018 - 2022

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