TOURMEDASSETS - Enhancing the growth potential of coastal tourism concentration through an innovative, green and inclusive mobilisation of Med area local assets

The project aims at providing all the stakeholders involved in tourism development in delicate coastal areas of MED with an Observatory and DSS that help: 1) to identify the assets on which policy maker should take steps to stimulate the growth of tourism, 2) to identify the challenges that global changes pose to the development of these assets and 3) to design innovative policies that render these areas competitive on the global tourism market, yet satisfying the sustainable tourism criteria.

Partner institutions: University of Venice Ca'Foscari (Lead Partner), Italy; University of Malaga, Spain; University of Split, Croatia and University of Algarve, Portugal.

CinTurs researcher(s): Luís Nobre Pereira (UAlg Coordinator), Cláudia Ribeiro de Almeida and Margarida Santos

Budget UAlg: 55.000,80€

Total budget: 260.000,00€

Funding institution(s): ERDF by Interreg MED Programme

Period: 2014 - 2015

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